
Showing 11 to 12 of 12 results
"A CityU graduate with blood cancer urgently needs our help. Are you willing to do something to save her life?" When Mr Henry Fock, Lecturer in the Division of Commerce, Ms Rebecca Chan, Senior Student Development Services Officer, and the Students" Union Executive Committee asked this question of the CityU community, they had no idea that the response would far exceed their expectations.
The new campus bookstore opened on 7 February at a new location without much fanfare but with high expectations. The newly fitted-out facility is now under the management of the Commercial Press (HK) Ltd, one of Hong Kong's largest publishing houses that also operates 16 retail outlets. The new shop, located on Level 3, right next to the escalator off the Library's main entrance in the Green Zone, has opened its doors just in time for Semester B.

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