
Showing 1 to 10 of 19 results
 Targeted genetic analysis helps dissect disease inheritance
An international research team co-led by CityU has developed a high-throughput biological assay technique that provides valuable data for finding type-2 diabetes key biomarkers for diagnostics and treatment.
Producing efficient LEDs based on 2D perovskite material breakthrough
A research co-led by CityU has worked on 2D perovskite materials with a simple organic molecule and succeeded to realise highly efficient and bright green LEDs.
Tackling air pollution with new approaches
New methods for reducing air pollution and generating solar fuels developed by scientists at CityU offer practical solutions to the energy shortage, environmental issues, and related public health risks.
Art is art; technology is, well, technology. Their paths seldom cross, right? Not in the case of Body Brush, an advanced computer-aided tool pioneered by CityU's Professor Horace Ip to merge the two to produce stunning artistic results.
Representatives from the government, the private sector and academia debated how the advancement of knowledge through research could play a role in boosting Hong Kong's economy at a forum in the Wei Hing Theatre on 4 December. The forum kicked off the Postgraduate Research Expo 2002, organized by the CityU Postgraduate Association to showcase our graduate students' research talent and achievements.
On 21 November, CityU's Centre for Electronic Packaging and Assemblies, Failure Analysis and Reliability Engineering (the EPA Centre) was accepted by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) as an Accredited Laboratory* under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS). This is a CityU first.
The first large-scale conference on Islam held in Hong Kong and the first worldwide comparative discussion of Islam in Southeast Asia and China was held at CityU from 28 November to 1 December.
Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia Communications, Tyco International... The apparently endless string of corporate scandals not only sent embattled US investors scurrying for cover but also triggered off a new round of self-examination among Asian listed corporations and market regulators, including Hong Kong.
A "marriage of art and technology" is how Professor Horace Ip describes Body-Brush, a new tool that transforms body movements into real-time three-dimensional (3D) paintings. Professor Ip, Chair Professor of Computer Science and Head of CityU's Department of Computer Science, developed the innovative computer-based motion analysis system in collaboration with CityU's School of Creative Media (SCM) and Hong Kong artist Mr Hay Young.
In May 2002, I joined a delegation to Oslo, Sweden, organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. It happened that the Nobel Prize Committee had organized an exhibition in celebration of its 100th anniversary and I came across a famous saying of Lord Ernest Rutherford, the 1908 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry: "We haven't the money, so we've got to think." That got me thinking about Hong Kong.

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