News and Achievements

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The CityU X Sino Grand Challenges Scholars Program (the Program), which acknowledges the patronage of the Sino Group, supports 160 engineering and science students at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in receiving training and mentorship by industry leaders, attending overseas summits, and undertaking summer research projects from 2021 to 2025 to address the most important engineering problems in the world.

The College proudly presents the following recent achievements of our students.

Applying knowledge learnt in university to help the needy is meaningful. Mr. Alvin Wijaya, a fresh graduate of the Department of Mathematics achieved this and completed the CityU X Sino Grand Challenges Scholars Program (CityU X Sino GCSP) in May 2022 with Gold Award under the patronage of Sino Group.

Xunlei Qian, a third-year student from the Department of Mathematics, teamed up with Boxun Yan (Department of Electrical Engineering) and Chen Wang (Department of Computer Science), won the second prize in the Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM) 2019, under the supervision by Dr Xianpeng Hu, Assistant Professor of the Department of Mathematics.