Undergraduate plus Master's Degree Programmes

Being part of the CityU Talents Programme, the undergraduate plus Master's degree programmes aim to nurture high caliber students through integrated learning. Undergraduate students can benefit from learning research elements normally taught at the postgraduate level. The programmes are open to new students and existing Year 1 students. Currently, the College of Science offers two such programmes:

Eligible entrants are given an offer into the undergraduate programme, plus a conditional offer into the self-financing Master's programme. Upon successfully completing the undergraduate plus Master's degrees, students would receive two separate degrees, i.e. Bachelor of Science and Master of Science.

Entrance and Eligibility Criteria

For new students

  • Local JUPAS: HKDSE score ≥ 28
  • Local Non-JUPAS: IB score ≥ 38
  • Non-local: Follow the entrance scholarship requirements

Note: Equivalent qualifications will also be considered for entrance

For existing Year 1 students

  • Credit units taken at the end of the first-year study ≥ 36
  • Ranked top 10% of Year 1 students in the College of Science
  • CGPA ≥ 3.40

Students are required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.40 for continuation in the CityU Talents Programme. If students do not meet the ongoing performance requirement of CGPA of 3.40, they will have to exit the programme while re-entry in a later semester/year is subject to approval. Students who meet the ongoing performance requirement may also opt out of the programme if so wish. They will continue to complete the regular undergraduate degree programme they enroll in until graduation.

Tuition Fee

Students will pay the undergraduate tuition fees for both undergraduate and Master's courses taken during the undergraduate study, and pay the Master's tuition fees less the credit units transferred from undergraduate study. Students should pay the tuition fees at prevailing rates.