
Showing 51 to 55 of 55 results
City University of Hong Kong, together with 25 other organizations and companies, was presented the Web Care Award by the Internet Professionals Association (iProA)in recognition of their meeting the primary "no barrier websites" requirements.
The University has stepped up measures to promote staff awareness of copyright liability concerning computer software. From September 2002 to March 2003, all academic and administrative units are required to conduct a software asset self-assessment exercise to identify actual software that is used on each personal computer and its licensing status. Moreover, as a University policy, individual units are required to purchase any new software through the centralized i-Procurement system.
CityU staff based in Festival Walk will soon have a new communication tool on their desks: an IP phone handset. In a pilot scheme scheduled to be implemented in August or September, 300 staff members will try out the new technology before the digital system is installed on the main campus.
CityU has adopted the EMC E-Infostructure, a centralized and consolidated storage system with a capacity of seven terabytes, to manage its ever-growing information demands on teaching, administration and research. The new system, which will accommodate CityU's 25,000 users, is the largest academic networked information infrastructure in Hong Kong.
CityU has adopted the EMC E-Infostructure, a centralized and consolidated storage system with a capacity of seven terabytes, to manage its ever-growing information demands on teaching, administration and research. The new system, which will accommodate CityU's 25,000 users, is the largest academic networked information infrastructure in Hong Kong.

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