
Showing 91 to 100 of 1093 results
 Targeted genetic analysis helps dissect disease inheritance
An international research team co-led by CityU has developed a high-throughput biological assay technique that provides valuable data for finding type-2 diabetes key biomarkers for diagnostics and treatment.
Producing efficient LEDs based on 2D perovskite material breakthrough
A research co-led by CityU has worked on 2D perovskite materials with a simple organic molecule and succeeded to realise highly efficient and bright green LEDs.
Tackling air pollution with new approaches
New methods for reducing air pollution and generating solar fuels developed by scientists at CityU offer practical solutions to the energy shortage, environmental issues, and related public health risks.
New study: Goats more ‘cognitively flexible’ than sheep
Goats can adapt to changing environmental conditions more quickly than sheep probably because of different feeding ecologies, according to a new study involving Dr Alan McElligott, an expert in animal behaviour and welfare at CityU.
Trawl ban boosts marine biodiversity
The prohibition of trawling activities in the Hong Kong marine environment for two and a half years has significantly improved biodiversity, an inter-university study led by CityU has found.
CityU-led collaborative research worth of HK$19m rewarded for Covid-19 projects
Funding worth HK$19 million has been secured for four highly competitive collaborative research projects into Covid-19 led by scholars at CityU.
	Renowned experts advocate nuclear safety and clean energy for net-zero carbon emissions
Thirty eight world-leading scholars, industry leaders and policy makers from around the world debated recent advances in low-carbon energy technology and nuclear safety in a specially convened online Forum on clean energy and nuclear safety on 10 March.
Advanced bioaerosol project to eliminate Covid-19 and other pathogens secures HK$6.15m from Research Impact Fund
A bioaerosols research project aimed at developing innovative and effective methods for detecting and disinfecting bacteria and viruses including SARS-CoV-2 in indoor environments led by CityU has secured HK$ 6.15 million from the Research Impact Fund.
CityU survey indicates background and trust in government affect citizens’ willingness to receive coronavirus vaccines
A survey conducted by CityU has revealed that only 38% of citizens are willing to get inoculated. Young people (aged between 20 and 24) are the least enthusiastic, with less than 30% indicating a willingness to get the jab.
Social distancing to combat Covid-19
Researchers at CityU found that school closures are not as effective as social distancing in public facilities for controlling Covid-19 in New York City.

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