
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results
CityUHK’s Distinguished Visiting Professors Scheme combines efforts in international academic and scientific research
CityUHK is committed to attracting outstanding scholars from around the world through various recruiting and talent development schemes to combine efforts in international academic and scientific research and foster exchange and collaboration. Since its inception in 2023, the Distinguished Visiting Professors Scheme has invited 25 renowned scholars to work alongside CityUHK faculty and students to promote interdisciplinary scientific and academic research.
Excellent faculty lead CityU into world’s top 10 young universities
CityU is ranked 7th among the world's top young universities according to the Nature Index 2021 Young Universities, issued by the leading academic publisher Springer Nature.
 CityU researcher wins distinguished materials science award
Dr Xu Wanghuai, a recent PhD graduate in MNE, received the 2021 Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award (Silver) for his pioneering research on the development of a novel droplet-based electricity generator for advancing scientific research into water energy generation.
Eminent CityU faculty receive RGC awards
Outstanding faculty members at CityU were recognised by RGC at an Awards Presentation Ceremony on 24 November for their distinguished research achievements and significant contributions to higher education.
ITF funding secured for anti-Covid-19 research
Research at CityU aimed at tackling Covid-19 has attracted over $7.1 million in funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) under the Innovation and Technology Commission.
Bubbles: Science, sustainability and technology
Bubbles were the topic of a talk by Professor Pan Chin, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and CLP Power Chair Professor of Nuclear Engineering, at the President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia on 7 October.
CityU scholar wins Tencent’s Xplorer Prize
Professor Wang Zuankai of CityU won the 2020 Xplorer Prize organised by the Tencent Foundation.
CityU secures HK$23m funding from two RGC Research Fellow Schemes
CityU has been granted more than HK$23 million in research funding from the inaugural Senior Research Fellow Scheme and Research Fellow Scheme under the Research Grants Council.

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