
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results
Critical breakthrough for enhancing battery capacity
A pivotal breakthrough in battery technology that has profound implications for our energy future has been achieved by a joint-research team led by CityU.
Hydrogen generation breakthrough by CityU-led international collaboration holds great promise for a clean
An international team led by CityU has announced a groundbreaking step forward by successfully developing a highly efficient electrocatalyst that can enhance hydrogen generation through electrocatalytic water splitting. The discovery was published in one of the world’s premier science journals, Nature.
Two CityU start-ups listed in ‘Forbes Asia 100 to Watch 2023’
Two biotech start-ups incubated by CityU have been selected for the “Forbes Asia 100 to Watch 2023”, an annual list published by Forbes Asia highlighting small companies and start-ups on the rise across the Asia Pacific region that are targeting underserved markets with new technologies.
CityU new structured thermal armour achieves liquid cooling above 1,000°C; solves challenge presented by Leidenfrost effect since 1756
A CityU research team has recently designed a structured thermal armour that achieves efficient liquid cooling even over 1,000°C, fundamentally solving a 266-year-old challenge presented by the Leidenfrost effect.
Four CityU projects awarded $20m
Four research projects led by scholars at CityU received grants worth HK$20.26 million in total from the inaugural Green Tech Fund. In terms of the number of projects and total amount of grants, CityU earned the top position among all local universities.

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