
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results
 Targeted genetic analysis helps dissect disease inheritance
An international research team co-led by CityU has developed a high-throughput biological assay technique that provides valuable data for finding type-2 diabetes key biomarkers for diagnostics and treatment.
Producing efficient LEDs based on 2D perovskite material breakthrough
A research co-led by CityU has worked on 2D perovskite materials with a simple organic molecule and succeeded to realise highly efficient and bright green LEDs.
Tackling air pollution with new approaches
New methods for reducing air pollution and generating solar fuels developed by scientists at CityU offer practical solutions to the energy shortage, environmental issues, and related public health risks.
Communication experts have gathered for an international conference co-organized by the Association for Business Communication and CityU to discuss professional communication in global and local contexts.
CityU shares cutting-edge knowledge and applied research on finance and investment at its Conference on Investment Risk and Wealth Management on 18 March.

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