
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results
Major award recognises CityU’s push for high-performance photonic chips
Dr Wang Cheng has received a prestigious award for his innovative work on novel photonic chips for optical communication.
Pioneering ‘synapses’ promise record-low energy use for future AI
The energy consumption of a new artificial visual system developed through joint research led by CityU can be reduced by over 90% per synaptic event when compared to synapses in the human brain.
Health and medical research funding for three Covid-19 projects
Three projects at CityU have been granted $8.3 million in funding by the Health and Medical Research Fund under the Food and Health Bureau, spotlighting our valuable contributions to fighting Covid-19.
Boosting Solar Energy Conversion Efficiency
A three-fold improvement in the efficiency of solar-to-hydrogen energy conversion can facilitate solar energy harvesting technology, according to the research team led by Dr Sam Hsu Hsien-yi, Assistant Professor in the School of Energy and Environment at CityU.
Breakthrough research heralds a new diamond age
A joint research team led by CityU has successfully achieved elastic straining of diamond at an unprecedented level, a breakthrough that heralds a new diamond age in the utilisation of the gemstone in microelectronics, photonics, and quantum information technologies.
CityU develops novel computer tool for studying cells
Scientists at CityU have developed a novel computer tool to extract, track and visualize cells, and analyze the formation, structure and functions of Caenorhabditis elegans during cell division.
140 students from 30 renowned universities worldwide gathered at CityU for the Student Leadership Conference 2006 that runs from 23 to 31 July.

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