
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results
Major award recognises CityU’s push for high-performance photonic chips
Dr Wang Cheng has received a prestigious award for his innovative work on novel photonic chips for optical communication.
Symposium explores business opportunities along Belt and Road
Distinguished scholars, leading figures from the industry and professional bodies, as well as government officials shared their insights at a symposium that was organised by the Research Centre for Sustainable Hong Kong at CityU on 7 January.
Health and medical research funding for three Covid-19 projects
Three projects at CityU have been granted $8.3 million in funding by the Health and Medical Research Fund under the Food and Health Bureau, spotlighting our valuable contributions to fighting Covid-19.
The "Creativity-in-Action" workshops run by students from the School of Creative Media proved highly successful at getting secondary school students interested in video art, photography and web animation.

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