
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results
5th HK Tech Forum investigates quantum physics and complex systems
Leading academic and industry researchers gathered at the HK Tech Forum on Quantum Physics and Complex Systems hosted by the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study at CityU from 7 to 9 December.
P Lecture by Prof Zeng Xiaocheng
Research outcomes often depend on both serendipity and design, according to Professor Zeng Xiaocheng, Head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at CityU, on the latest President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia.
Research on antenna led by Prof Chi Chan
A research team led by Professor Chan Chi-hou, Acting Provost and Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering at CityU, has developed a new-generation antenna that allows manipulation of the direction, frequency and amplitude of the radiated beam for enhancing 6th-generation wireless communications.
A team of five students from City University's Department of Public and Social Administration showcased their wit and skills in a presentation about transport and logistics and walked away with the championship, beating six other teams.
A technology-driven customer relationship management (CRM) laboratory was launched by City University's Division of Commerce on 29 April. NEC Hong Kong Limited donated equipment and software and will provide technical support. The Commerce Applications Technology Laboratory (CAT Lab) will provide an advanced environment for staff and students to gain the latest customer relationship management skills.
To ensure maximum public health safety and ease of heart for thousands of students and invigilators at the examinations that start on 5 May, the University, through the Ad Hoc Group on Monitoring SARS and the Academic Regulations and Records Office (ARRO), has decided on a number of extra precautionary measures.
Miss Tang Sze-nga, a graduate of the Associate of Arts in Applied Japanese Studies in the Division of Language Studies, has been awarded a two-year scholarship of two million yen (approximately HK$134,000) for further studies at the Nagasaki International University (NIU) in Japan.
CityU students successfully pass the official Test de Connaissance du Francais

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