Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


The Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences (JCC) actively promotes Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) for all of our staff and students. To this end, the JCC DEI Committee, reporting to the JCC Executive Committee has been established to assist the JCC in:

  • Encouraging learning, deliberating, and understanding about DEI, and providing support and opportunities to all under-represented groups
  • Leading improvements in DEI across all undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in the JCC by creating an environment that facilitates optimal research, education and work for all
  • Continuously improving the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) Programme, by creating an environment that facilitates optimal research, education and work for all
  • Promoting respect for all; reflected in all internal operations with a view to overcome systemic barriers in order to model an inclusive society built on respect for one another
  • Ensuring awareness and sensitivity training to staff and students in JCC
  • Warranting fair and transparent treatment for all in academic and professional service roles, especially with regard to recruitment, retention and promotion with a focus on inclusion
  • Leading policies, events and other activities related to promotion of DEI
  • Working alongside other JCC committees, when required to provide guidance on specific DEI issues that impact workplace complexities

DEI Poster

If any of our staff or students have concerns or questions related to DEI matters, please feel free to contact Prof. McElligott as Chair, or other members of the committee.  Any correspondence that we receive will be treated as strictly confidential.


The DEI Committee composition will include at least 8 members from diverse communities:

  • 4 members nominated by the Dean, 4 members nominated by the Associate/Assistant Dean concurrently serving as BVM Programme Leader
  • The Dean and the Associate/Assistant Dean concurrently serving as BVM Programme Leader as Ex Officio Members
  • The number of male and female members will be as near as possible to equal
  • There will be at least one undergraduate student representative
  • Attending scheduled meetings as often as possible
  • Wholeheartedly championing inclusivity related to within JCC DEI activities
  • Self-reflection and awareness, to ensure that the Committee itself is representative and inclusive

Membership list
Prof. Alan McELLIGOTT, Associate Professor (PH)
Ex Officio:
Prof. Vanessa BARRS, Dean, Chair Professor (JCC)
Prof. Kate FLAY, Assistant Dean of Teaching and Learning (BVM) and BVM Programme Leader
Prof. Kwan Ting CHOW, Assistant Professor (BMS)
Prof. Priscilla FREITAS GERBER, Associate Professor (PH)
Prof. Eloi GUARNIERI, Clinical Assistant Professor (VCS)
George HODGSON, Early Career Researcher Representative
Dr. Cherry LEE, Scientific Officer (JCC)
Prof. Gigi LO, Associate Professor (BMS)
Prof. Kingston MAK, Associate Professor (BMS)
Mr. Richard SHAH, Supervisor (PH)
Ms. Devika SURESH, BVM student
Prof. Xiaowei ZHU, Assistant Professor (NS)
Ms. Sonia WONG, Executive Officer (JCC)

Year Meeting Date Minutes
2022 1st 6 October 2022 JCC BVM DEI Meeting 1 Minutes
2022 2nd 20 December 2022 JCC BVM DEI Meeting 2 Minutes
2023 3rd 12 April 2023 JCC BVM DEI Meeting 3 Minutes
2023 4th 20 June 2023 JCC BVM DEI Meeting 4 Minutes
2023 5th 12 September 2023 JCC BVM DEI Meeting 5 Minutes
2023 6th 20 December 2023 JCC BVM DEI Meeting 6 Minutes
2024 7th 25 March 2024 JCC BVM DEI Meeting 7 Minutes


Left = Equality, everyone has been provided with a box to see over the barrier. 
Middle = Equity, boxes have been provided based on need. 
Right = Inclusion, looking at how to change the environment and remove all barriers
Valbrun, V. (2017) Equity vs. Equality: Eliminating Opportunity Gaps in Education.