DEI Resources

DEI Awareness & Impact

Terminology in ecology and evolutionary biology disproportionately harms marginalized groups

Link                   2025 
Low socioeconomic status is an under-recognised source of challenges in academia

Link                   2025 
Nearly 50% of researchers quit science within a decade, huge study reveals

Link                   2024 
Gender equality plans (GEPs) are a requirement for all institutions participating in the EU’s Horizon Europe research programme, but what makes a plan effective?

Link                   Jun 2024 
Science needs neurodiversity

Link                   April 2024 
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Introducing the eLife Global South Committee for Open Science 

Link                    1 Feb 2024
One More Time: Why Diversity Leads To Better Team Performance

Link                    24 Jan 2024
Beyond gender: The biological impacts of inequality through the lens of intersectionality.

Link                    22 Jan 2024
Conference childcare for scientists is starting to show signs of improvement

Link                    3 Jan 2024 
Perspectives – Academic career in ecology: Effect of gender, caregiving labor, and the working environment

Link                    2024 
Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock on diversity: ‘It’s hard to find an argument against it’. The space scientist and broadcaster describes how she deals with racism, taps dyslexia’s hidden powers and inspires disadvantaged students to pursue science careers.

Link                    2024 
Mentorship practices that improve the culture of peer review. Established researchers have an opportunity to help to build a fairer and more inclusive peer review culture by advocating for and empowering their trainees.

Link                  17 Nov 2023
Being Neurodivergent in Academia: The meaning of self-acceptance

Link                    Oct 2023 
Improving student success through social belonging

Link                  4 May 2023
Scientists with intersecting privilege must work towards institutional inclusion

Link                   25 Apr 2023
CityU Seminar on "Why Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Matters to JCC Vet Medicine Seminar" by Richard Shah (Supervisor, Communication Coaching, Department of Infectious Disease and Public Health, City University)

Link                 29 Mar 2023
Inequity and Research Culture. Prof. Athene Donald, University of Cambridge

Link                   29 Jan 2023
Scientists from historically excluded groups face a hostile obstacle course

Link                  23 Dec 2022
Recommendations for making editorial boards diverse and inclusive

Link                  21 Oct 2022
Don't walk on by: how to confront bias and bigotry aimed at others

Link                 30 Sep 2022
Welcome to the ACS Inclusivity Style Guide.  This guide aims to help American Chemical Society staff and members communicate in ways that recognize and respect diversity in all its forms

Link                  29 Sep 2022
A guide for developing  a field research safety manual that explicitly considers risks for marginalized identities in the sciences

Link                 20 Sep 2022
CityU Seminar on "Beyond the Tick-Box: Embedding Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in our Universities" by Dr Christine Thuranira-McKeever (Vice-Principal, Royal Veterinary College, University of London)

Link                 14 Sep 2022
A set of principles and practical suggestions for equitable fieldwork in biology

Link                  16 Aug 2022
When scientific conferences went online, diversity and inclusion soared

Link                  27 Jan 2022
Ten simple rules for supporting historically underrepresented students in science

Link                 16 Sep 2021
What’s wrong with ‘manels’ and what can we do about them

Link                   April 2020 
There is strong evidence that the Athena Swan Gender Charter (UK) processes and methodologies have supported cultural and behavioural change - not just around gender equality and diversity in all its forms

Link                 28 Aug 2019
Underrepresented faculty play a disproportionate role in advancing diversity and inclusion

Link                    3 Jun 2019
Why Inclusive Leaders Are Good for Organizations, and How to Become One

Link                 29 Mar 2019
Ten Simple Rules to Achieve Conference Speaker Gender Balance

Link                  20 Nov 2014
Guide to Organizing Inclusive Scientific Meetings - Where to Start

Inclusive Scientific Meetings: 500 Women Scientist

Better Allies. Everyday actions to create inclusive, engaging workplaces

"The Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness published a review of 18 studies in which the total number of subjects was more than 1500 people.  - The researchers' conclusion: For people with low vision, sans-serif fonts such as Arial, Helvetica, Verdana or Adsans are more readable than serif fonts."


DEI in the Veterinary Profession

Factors Associated with the Innate Orthopedic Ability of Veterinary Student. Age, gender, handedness, videogame experience, building game experience, exposure to orthopedic surgery, or desire to pursue surgery as a career were not associated with student performance in any task.

Link                     2024
Characterizing Global Gender Representation in Veterinary Executive Leadership

Link                    14 Feb 2024
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Veterinary Education.

Link                     2024
A cross-sectional study examining perceptions of discriminatory behaviors experienced and witnessed by veterinary students undertaking clinical extra-mural studies

Link                     28 Apr 2023
Parallels between biodiversity and human diversity: A mandate to improve ecological and organizational health and vitality

Link                     5 Jan 2023
Time for change: Allyship is an opportunity for every vet to share the burden of improving the profession

Link                     18 Oct 2022
Improving diversity, inclusion in vetmed requires 'sustained effort'

Link                 16 Aug 2022
AAVMC Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Glossary

Link                        Jul 2021
One veterinarian's remarkable journey to becoming a successful veterinarian and educator despite the physical and mental setback she has endured throughout her life

Link                     8 Jun 2021
Unwavering spirit: A veterinarian's inspiring story into veterinary medicine

Link                   8 June 2021
A Guide for Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine

AVMA - Journey for Teams - provides a pathway for veterinary professionals to deepen knowledge of DEI, and foster the advancement of DEI in veterinary workplaces

Diversity and Inclusion on Air S2: Learning Disabilities & Veterinary Medicine

American Association of Veterinary Medical College - Diversity and Inclusion on Air - Conversations about Diversity, Inclusion & Veterinary Medicine

British Veterinary Ethinicity and Diversity Society

Purdue University - College of Veterinary Medicine - Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Diversity and Inclusion

AAVMC The Power of Diversity

World Organisation for Animal Health - Gender Equity Plan


DEI Resources from other Organizations

For LGBTQ+ wildlifers, is the field inclusive enough?

Link                 March 2024
Why Nature is updating its advice to authors on reporting race or ethnicity

Link                 11 Apr 2023
Welcome to the ACS Inclusivity Style Guide.  This guide aims to help American Chemical Society staff and members communicate in ways that recognize and respect diversity in all its forms

Link              29 Sep 2022
UK Research Integrity Office - Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Link                   Sep 2022
Wellcome Trust: How we're putting diversity, equity and inclusion at the heart of our strategy

Link               26 Mar 2021
There is strong evidence that the Athena Swan Gender Charter (UK) processes and methodologies have supported cultural and behavioural change - not just around gender equality and diversity in all its forms

Link             28 Aug 2019
Royal Society of Chemistry - LGBT+ toolkit.  This kit provides the tools for everyone to take part in positive change

A Guide for Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine 

British Veterinary Ethinicity and Diversity Society

Purdue University - College of Veterinary Medicine - Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Diversity and Inclusion

Supporting mothers, empowering women. We raise awareness of the barriers faced by mothers in STEMM and advocate for workplace equity and inclusion

Better Allies. Everyday actions to create inclusive, engaging workplaces

The Pregnant Scholar (Tools to Support Student Parents), University of California College of the Law, San Francisco, USA

World Organisation for Animal Health - Gender Equity Plan


Disabilities, Disorder & Other Health Conditions

‘I hope I get the opportunity to fly’: Meet Paralympian-turned-astronaut John McFall. Nature speaks to the world’s first disabled astronaut about his hopes for the future of space exploration.

Link                    22 Aug 2024
Science needs neurodiversity

Link                     April 2024
Learning module for neurodiversity inclusion in the workplace (AVMA)

Link                 8 Mar 2024
Hugh survey finds US$10,000 pay gap for disabled scientists. Disabled people with STEM PhDs earn less than their non-disabled colleagues

Link                 28 Nov 2023
Being Neurodivergent in Academia: Why Sparks of Change is publishing stories from neurodivergent researchers

Link                 12 Oct 2023
ADHD is often perceived as something that will only hinder a colleague's workplace performance, but Matt Coldrey explains that with the right support, ADHD can be superpower - How universities can support staff with ADHD

Link                 24 May 2023
Neurodiversity in the veterinary profession

Link                 10 March 2023
Heeding the happiness call: why academia needs to take faculty mental health more seriously

Link                  13 Feb 2023
VET Mind Matters Initiative (MMI) - Neurodiversity Resource Hub

Link                  2023
Foster neuroinclusivity at scientific meetings

Link                   6 Dec 2022
Making science more accessible to people with disabilities

Link                    4 Dec 2022
How science can do better for neurodivergent people

Link                    2 Dec 2022
Universities can do more to support their students with disabilities

Link                 13 Sep 2022
Bridging Neurodiversity and Open Scholarship: How Shared Values Can Guide Best Practices for Research Integrity, Social Justice, and Principled Education

Link                    14 Jul 2022
Recommendations for creating an accessible and inclusive research culture

Link                    2022
Barriers faced by neurodivergent researchers

Link                    2022
What is neurodivergence?

Link                    2022
Enabling NeuroDiverse Inclusive Science Careers

Link                    2022
One veterinarian's remarkable journey to becoming a successful veterinarian and educator despite the physical and mental setback she has endured throughout her life

Link                     8 Jun 2021
Fieldwork and disability an overview for an inclusive experience

Link                     8 Jun 2021
Embracing neurodiversity in medicine

Link                    21 Mar 2021
Why everything you know about autism is wrong (TED talk)

Link                     2019


Gender Distribution of Course Material Authors in a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program

Link                2 Sep 2024
Development of a Competency-Based Veterinary Education Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Domain

Link                2 Sep 2024
Support for Neurodivergent Students in Veterinary Education Part 1: Current Practice and Roundtable Discussion of Recommendations

Link                16 Aug 2024


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Veterinary Education

Link                14 Jul 2024
Diverse college classrooms linked to better STEM learning outcomes for all students

Link                12 Dec 2023
Interdisciplinary approaches to advancing anti-racist pedagogies

Link                May 2023


Nearly 50% of researchers quit science within a decade, huge study reveals

Link                                2024 
Gender bias might be working at level of whole disciplines

Link                                2024 
Female-dominated disciplines have lower evaluated research quality and funding success rates, for men and women

Link                                2024
Perspectives – Academic career in ecology: Effect of gender, caregiving labor, and the working environment

Link                                2024 
Overcoming gender-related challenges and supporting women in conservation in Latin America.

Link                                2024 
3 Ways men can advance gender equity at work

Link                 14 Dec 2023
Female academics less likely to win prizes, even when the award is named after a woman.  Analysis of nearly 9,000 awardees and 346 scientific prizes and medals published in Nature Human Behaviour has found that men win eight prizes for every one won by a woman if the award is named after a man

Link                 21 Nov 2023
Men Dominate Q&A Sessions at Academic Conference - Here's Why It Matters

Link                  10 Nov 2023
Male applicants are more likely to be awarded fellowships than female applicants: A case study of a Japanese national funding agency

Link                  25 Oct 2023
Gender and retention patterns among U.S. Faculty.  Women are more likely than men to feel pushed from their jobs and less likely to feel pulled toward better opportunities, and women leave or consider leaving because of workplace climate more often than work-life balance

Link                  20 Oct 2023
Toxic workplaces are the main reason women leave academic jobs.  Women feel driven out by problems with workplace culture more often than by lack of work-life balance

Link                   20 Oct 2023
STEM instructors who are women drive disclosure of concealable stigmatized identities to undergraduates

Link                     19 Jul 2023
Gender shapes the formation of review paper collaborations in microbiology

Link                    5 Jul 2023
Don't get mad, get equal: putting an end to misogyny in science. Subtle forms of misogyny attack female and coerce women to conform to conventional gender norms

Link                   26 Jun 2023
Nine out of 10 people are biased against women, say @alarming@ UN report

Link                   12 Jun 2023
The public has been taught that scientific insight occurs when old white guys with facial hair get hit on the head with an apple or go running out of bathtubs shouting "Eureka!". That's not how it works, and it never has been.

Link                 11 May 2023
Allyship requires action

Link                   1 May 2023
Centering Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Experience, Access, & Safety in Ecological Fieldwork

Link                   1 May 2023
Overcoming the gender bias in ecology and evolutions: is the double-anonymized peer review an effective pathway overtime?

Link                   10 Apr 2023
I'm a trans scientist - here's my advice for navigating academia

Link                 31 Mar 2023
Women were already unequal in the world of global health.  The pandemic made it worse

Link                 24 Mar 2023
Professors in their department's gender minority receive worse ratings from students, potentially hurting their chances for tenure and promotion

Link                  20 Jan 2023
Gender bias in teaching evaluations: the causal role of department gender composition

Link                   8 Dec 2022
Women and LGBTQ+ people aren't tokens - don't treat them as such

Link                  25 Nov 2022
Sticky steps and the gender gap: how thoughtful practices could help keep caregivers in science

Link                 16 Nov 2022
Analysis shows women who publish physics papers are cited less often than men

Link                   19 Oct 2022
How well-intentioned white male physicists maintain ignorance of inequity and justify inaction

Link                    5 Oct 2022
Citation inequity and gendered citation practices in contemporary physics

Link                     6 Oct 2022
Research suggests that men worse allies than they think

Link                   7 Oct 2022
Recruiting male allies boosts women at work

Link                   13 Sep 2022
Gender-diverse teams produce more novel and higher-impact scientific ideas

Link                  29 Aug 2022
What’s wrong with ‘manels’ and what can we do about them

Link                 14 Oct 2020
The Lancet Group's commitments to gender equity and diversity

Link                 10 Aug 2019
Australia's strategy to achieve gender equality in STEM

Link                    9 Feb 2019
Ten Simple Rules to Achieve Conference Speaker Gender Balance

Link                 20 Nov 2014
Elite male faculty in the life sciences employ fewer women

Link                 30 Jun 2014
Gender diversity promotes radical innovation, study finds

Link                  19 Mar 2014
How stereotypes impair women’s careers in science

Link                  10 Mar 2014
Ten simple rules for a mon-friendly Academia

Link            10 Aug 2013
Brazilian women lead in science, technology and innovation, study shows: They have a strong ranking in the knowledge economy, but more progress is needed for women in decision making

Link                 26 Mar 2013
Scientists of the world speak up for equality: Eight experts give their prescriptions for measures that will help to close the gender gap in nations from China to Sweden

Link                    6 Mar 2013
Attrition of Women in the Biological Sciences: Workload, Motherhood, and Other Explanations Revisited

Link                    1 Jan 2013
Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students

Link                  17 Sep 2012
Ecosystem modelling reveals why women are driven out of research

Link                   25 Jun 2012
Understanding current causes of women's underrepresentation in science

Link                     7 Feb 2011
Collective intelligence: Number of women in group linked to effectiveness in solving difficult problems

Link                     2 Oct 2010
Effect of Gender Composition on Group Performance

Link                    16 Dec 2002
Equity for Women in Science - Dismantling System Barriers to Advancement

See, hear and empower women: it is time to 'walk the walk' to eliminate manels in sport and exercise medicine / physiotherapy

Scientists with intersecting privilege must work towards institutional inclusion

Guide to Organizing Inclusive Scientific Meetings - Where to Start

Inclusive Scientific Meetings: 500 Women Scientist



Perspectives – Academic career in ecology: Effect of gender, caregiving labor, and the working environment

Link                    2024 
Improving the education and wellbeing of student parents (USA study) 

Link                   1 Jan 2024
Normalizing Children and Families at Scientific Conferences

Link                   16 Sep 2023


Large motherhood penalties in US administrative microdata

Link                   3 May 2023
Ten simple rules for a mom-friendly Academia

Link                  20 Nov 2014
The Pregnant Scholar (Tools to Support Student Parents), University of California College of the Law, San Francisco, USA



Supporting mothers, empowering women. We raise awareness of the barriers faced by mothers in STEMM and advocate for workplace equity and inclusion

We are a group of parent scientists who decided to face the mission of bringing knowledge about a topic that, until recently, was ignored in the scientific community: how does parenthood affect the career of scientists?


Race & Ethnicity

The cost of being a non-native English speaker in science

Link                    18 Jul 2023
How do DEI initiatives impact STEMM, and why do we still need them? We asked several Black scientists what impact they have and why STEM still needs them

Link                     8 Jun 2023
Interdisciplinary approaches to advancing anti-racist pedagogies in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology

Link                31 May 2023
The public has been taught that scientific insight occurs when old white guys with facial hair get hit on the head with an apple or go running out of bathtubs shouting "Eureka!". That's not how it works, and it never has been

Link                 11 May 2023
Racial inequalities in journals highlighted in giant study

Link                   28 Apr 2023
Why Nature is updating its advice to authors on reporting race or ethnicity

Link                 11 Apr 2023
How UK science is failing Black researchers - in nine stark charts

Link                 14 Dec 2022
The geoscientist fighting for universities to confront systemic racism

Link                   19 Oct 2022
How well-intentioned white male physicists maintain ignorance of inequity and justify inaction

Link                    5 Oct 2022

Religion & Culture

Indigenous insights can enrich our science and practice - 4 early-career Indigenous scholars from Australia, USA & Aotearoa New Zealand provide insights on the representation of Indigenous voices, knowledges and practice in biological sciences

Link                              27 Jun 2023


For LGBTQ+ wildlifers, is the field inclusive enough?

Link                   March 2024
How Queer Ecology Disrupts the Study of Animals and Nature

Link                   15 Jun 2023
Allyship requires action

Link                   1 May 2023
Research: How to Be a Better Ally to the LGBTQ+ Community

Link               12 Apr 2023
I'm a trans scientist - here's my advice for navigating academia

Link                  31 Mar 2023
To support LGBTQ+ researchers doing fieldwork, 'an eye toward safety' is key

Link                    8 Feb 2023
Women and LGBTQ+ people aren't tokens - don't treat them as such

Link               25 Nov 2022
Inclusive LGBTQ+ fieldwork: Advancing spaces of belonging and safety

Link                    8 Aug 2022
That's so gay and other words that sting: Microaggressions that harm LGBT+ colleagues (British Veterinary Association)

Link                   13 Oct 2021
Supporting LGBTQIA+ ecologists: pronouns and gender neutral language

How to deliver a safer research culture for LGBTQIA+ researchers - Scientists from these communities mark the start of Pride Month by describing how colleagues and collaborators can better support them in lab and fieldwork settings


Socioeconomic Status

How to include and recognize the work of ornithologists based in the Neotropics: Fourteen actions for Ornithological Applications, Ornithology, and other global-scope journals

Link                 7 Feb 2023
Socioeconomic roots of academic faculty

Link               29 Aug 2022
It's Time to Officially End Unpaid Internships

Link             26 May 2021
Unsalaried internships and placements hinder inclusion and diversity, say scientists petitioning doe a fairier approach

Link               15 Oct 2020
Scientists in the discipline (Marine Mammalogy) and elsewhere say that uncompensated internships and work placements create barriers to inclusion and diversity

Link              29 Sep 2020
Unpaid work and access to science professions

Link            19 Jun 2019
Unpaid  Internships - such positions undoubtedly provide valuable work experience, but only for those who can afford them, and this can prevent scientists from less-well-off backgrounds from entering the field

Link                 3 Jun 2015

Work-Life Balance

Ten simple rules to improve academic work–life balance

Link                2021