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BSc Physics

Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

22 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry)
Programme/Major Leader
Prof. YU Wing Chi

+852 3442 7702

Deputy Programme / Major Leader
Prof. WONG Sung Ching Sam

+852 3442 4009


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BSc Physics?

Are you curious about how Nature works? Do you aspire to apply your classroom learning to real-world scientific challenges and contribute to technological advancements? If so, come and join us at CityUHK. Our undergraduate programme offers rigorous training in fundamental physics and its applications across various specialized fields such as medical physics, soft matter and biophysics, financial engineering, materials science and optics. In addition to acquiring core physics knowledge, you will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will benefit you throughout your life. You will also have the opportunity to engage in a range of activities such as overseas exchanges, internships, and research attachment in one of our professor’s research groups to enhance your learning experiences beyond the classroom. For students with excellent academic performance, you can also apply for the Joint bachelor’s degree programme between CityUHK and Columbia University (New York) where you will earn two degrees - a BSc degree from CityUHK and a BA degree from Columbia U - upon completing all the course requirements. Last but not least, you will not be alone on your study journey with us. You will be assigned a professor from our department as your academic advisor and paired with a senior student mentor who can share with you his/her university life experience and provide support in your studies.

Entrance Requirements for Direct / Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct / Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have studied a science-related discipline at a high school or post-secondary institution,


you have an Associate Degree or Higher Diploma in a relevant discipline such as Applied Science, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or other technical qualifications.

Department of Physics

Building on the excellent tradition of the physics faculty in the former Department of Physics and Materials Science, the Department of Physics aspires to become a leading physics department in the Asia-Pacific Region. Our faculty members have received international recognition, including fellowships from prestigious societies such as the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Materials Research Society.

Students pursuing the BSc Physics major are taught are taught fundamental physics topics, and various specialized physics-related disciplines such as biophysics, medical physics, financial engineering, optics, and material science/solid-state physics, paving their way to diversified career paths in the medical and health care, engineering, education, commercial and industrial sectors or postgraduate studies. Students may take part in the Department’s research attachment scheme, which gives them early exposure to discovery and innovation.

物理學學士學位課程,涵蓋基礎物理學及應用物理相關專題,包括生物物理、醫學物理、金融工程、光學、和材料科學 / 固態物理,為學生開拓多元化的就業前境。畢業生可應聘到醫院、工程界、科技公司、教育界、工商界等不同機構工作,亦可選擇繼續升學深造。本學系設有研究實習計劃,讓學生及早接觸科學探索,啟發創新思維。

Our Target

We equip our students with knowledge and critical thinking skills that will enable them to tackle difficult problems throughout their careers. The curriculum teaches not only foundational courses in physics, but also technology-driven courses such as computer modelling and advanced instrumentation. It enables students to acquire knowledge and skills from the following areas: Biophysics, Medical Physics, Financial Engineering, Optics, and Material Science/Solid-state Physics. Graduates are well equipped not only for developing a diverse range of professional careers but also for pursuing postgraduate studies.

What You Will Be Studying

In your first year, you will study a variety of fundamental physics and gateway education (GE) courses (e.g. Chinese and English courses). Building upon your general physics foundation, you can acquire knowledge and skills form the following areas: Biophysics, Medical Physics, Financial Engineering, Optics, and Material Science/Solid-state Physics.

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the ‘Undergraduate Catalogue’.

Career Prospects

Physics graduates enjoy a diverse range of challenging careers from medical physicists, financial engineers, data scientists to professionals in STEM education, scientific research and technological development. Graduates may also develop their careers in the commercial sector or take up public sector roles in organisations such as the Hong Kong Observatory, the Environmental Protection Department and the Hospital Authority.

Our physics major also prepares students for further studies in fundamental physics, biophysics, medical physics, quantum physics, computational physics, materials engineering and other related fields.

Student Exchange/Internship

The College of Science and the Department offer work placement opportunities through different internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments to companies in Hong Kong, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area and Overseas. Through such placements, students will:

  • gain solid experience in a real-world work environment;
  • develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills;
  • learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism; and
  • broaden their experience and enhance their employability. 

For details, please visit the College’s website on Internship Schemes.

To broaden students’ exposures beyond the classroom and enrich their international experience, the Department, College and University offer a wide range of credit-bearing exchange programmes with around 350 partner universities over the world, including Australia, Canada, Europe, the US and the Asia-Pacific region.

For details, please visit the University’s outbound exchange programme website

Bonus Features
  • Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program between City University of Hong Kong and Columbia University: Students who meet certain requirements can apply for admission to this Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program (http://gs.columbia.edu/cityu-hk/).
  • Research Attachment Scheme: Through this scheme, students can gain additional insights into the fascinating world of physics and related disciplines and equip themselves for undertaking final year projects or further studies.
  • State-of-the-art Equipment and Facilities: The dilution refrigerator in our low-temperature labs, a HK$4-million piece of equipment, can generate temperatures much lower than deep space, enabling our students and researchers to observe quantum mechanical effects. Students can also access the China Spallation Neutron Source at Dongguang, one of only four pulsed spallation neutron sources in the world.
Did You Know?
  • Some outstanding students choose to join research teams or further their studies in prestigious universities such as Columbia University and Northwestern University in the US, Oxford and Cambridge in the UK. 
  • Prof. S T Chu and his collaborators have achieved a new world record of the fastest internet data speed by using a piece of equipment known as a ‘micro-comb’. Their research findings were published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Communications, and featured on BBC news. It was also widely reported by the local media. 
Programme Video (Chinese version)
Programme Video (English version)
Alumni Sharing (Mr YEUNG Kin Ho)
Alumni Sharing (Dr Monica KAN Wai Kwan)
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Phone and Email
Contact Value

+852 3442 7831

Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

When necessary
- November 2024 to May 2025
- Individual interview
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
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BSc Computing Mathematics

Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

38 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry)
Programme/Major Leader
Prof. DAI Dan

PhD (City University of Hong Kong, HK)

+852 3442 5995

Admissions Tutor
Prof. LO Wing-cheong

PhD (University of California, Irvine, USA)

+852 3442 2578


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BSc Computing Mathematics?

Mathematics is the language of science. It forms the foundation for various disciplines, such as artificial intelligence, computer science, data science, economics, engineering, physics, and even social sciences. Learning mathematics develops our ability of logical reasoning, precision, critical thinking, such that we can organize and analyze complex information, tackle complex problems in many different areas of your life and career. The programme provides students with a strong background of mathematical theory, skills and tools for mathematical modelling, scientific computation and technical computer software. Our graduates are in high demand in many sectors, including finance, technology, education, etc.. 

Entrance Requirements for Direct / Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct / Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have studied a science-related subject such as Mathematics, Further Mathematics or Statistics at a high school or post-secondary institution.

For senior-year (Advanced standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award.

As direct applicants are selected according to a variety of qualifications, selection is made on a case-by-case basis. Performance in selection tests and interviews, where applicable, is also an important assessment criterion.

Department of Mathematics

The Department specialises in applied and computational mathematics. Undergraduate teaching is backed up by extensive research on a wide range of topics. This places us in close contact with many modern uses of mathematics. Our programme is both relevant and up-to-date.

We are proud of our academic staff, many of whom are internationally renowned scholars. For example, Professor Philippe G. Ciarlet, member of the French Academy of Sciences and of seven other academies, was Chair Professor of the Department until August 2011. He joined the office of the College of Science and Engineering in September 2011 as University Distinguished Professor. Professor Ciarlet has received numerous distinctions, among which a Grand Prize of the French Academy of Sciences and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Award.

Professor Ciarlet is currently Emeritus Professor of the Department, and Senior Fellow in the Institute for Advanced Study of City University of Hong Kong.


本系的教員令我們深感自豪,當中不乏享譽國際的學者。法國科學院兼另外七間學院院士Philippe G. Ciarlet 教授,曾任本系講座教授至二零一一年八月,九月開始出任科學及工程學院大學傑出教授。Ciarlet 教授獲頒多個獎項,其中包括法國科學院的法國科學大獎及洪堡研究獎。

Ciarlet 教授現為香港城巿大學數學系的榮休教授,高等研究院資深院士。

Our Target

We aim at equipping students and producing graduates with strong backgrounds in data analysis, mathematical modelling, scientific computing and technical computer software. Students are trained to think quantitatively and analyse problems critically.  Our graduates contribute to the commercial, financial and industrial sectors in Hong Kong and throughout Greater China. The programme focuses on linking the applied areas of mathematics and computing.

Major Aims

The Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics programme was introduced in 1994. This major is unique in Hong Kong.  It emphasizes the balance between theories and their applications to practical problems, with a special focus on applied mathematics linked to computational aspects.

The major aims at equipping students and producing graduates with a strong background in:

  • data analysis
  • mathematical modelling
  • scientific computing
  • technical computer software

Students are trained to think quantitatively and analyse problems critically.

As graduates of our programme, they are in hot demand in a number of fields, including data analysis, business intelligence analysis, mathematical modelling, quantitative business planning, and scientific programming. There is also a demand for mathematics teachers in Hong Kong secondary schools.  Most graduates entered the workforce in business, finance and education sectors.

Apart from joining the workforce, some of our graduates further their studies locally or in overseas universities, such as University of Cambridge and University of Oxford in UK, University of Toronto in Canada, Harvard University, Yale University, New York University, University of Chicago and Universities of California in the US, and ETH Zurich in Switzerland.



What You Will Be Studying

Students are required to complete 91 credit units in different courses. The major covers communication skills, general studies, and core subjects in Complex Analysis, Computing and Programming Techniques, Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Methods, Optimization, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, and Probability and Statistics.

Electives include Actuarial Science, Applied Functional Analysis, Applied Statistics, Computational Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Finite Element Method, Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Finance, Modelling and Partial Differential Equations, and Sampling Survey Methods for Social and Market Research.

Students also need to satisfy the university requirements in language and Chinese civilization.  The curriculum is very flexible.  The university requirement for gateway education and free electives give students opportunities to develop their own interests in other subjects.

Curriculum Structure

Please visit the ‘Undergraduate Catalogue’ for the programme’s curriculum structure details.

Start Your Career Here

As a graduate of our major, you will find yourself in hot demand in a number of fields, including data analysis, business intelligence analysis, mathematical modelling, quantitative business planning, and scientific programming. There is also a demand for mathematics teachers in Hong Kong secondary schools. Most graduates entered the workforce in business, finance and education sectors.

Industrial Training and International Exchange

The College of Science (CSCI) and the Department offer work placement opportunities through various internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments in firms not only in Hong Kong, but also in the Pearl River Delta region and overseas. Through such placements, students will:

  • broaden their experience and enhance their employability;
  • develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills;
  • gain solid experience in a real-world work environment; and
  • learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism.

For details, please visit the College of Science’s internship schemes website.

Furthermore, for students to broaden their educational horizons, gain language experience and enhance their awareness of different cultures, the Department, College and University offer over 110 credit-bearing exchange programmes with various partner institutions around the world, including universities in Australia, Canada, Europe, the US and the Asia-Pacific region.

For details, please visit the University's outbound exchange programme website.

Did You Know?

The Programme emphasizes on applied mathematics, numerical computations and their applications on science, engineering, finance and AI commerce.

Programme Video
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Phone and Email
Contact Value

+852 3442 8643 (Phone)
+852 3442 0250 (Fax)

Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

On a selective basis
- Mid-January to Mid-February 2025
- Individual interview
- English and Cantonese

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
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BSc Chemistry

Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

46 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries; Tentative)* and 
10 (For Senior Year Entry; Tentative)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry)
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)
Programme/Major Leader
Prof. LO Kam Wing Kenneth



* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BSc Chemistry?

The BSc Chemistry program offers a comprehensive integration of theory and practice. With a focus on the practical application of knowledge, this program provides students with a deep understanding of important scientific issues, current technologies, and future challenges, all within the context of local, regional, and global needs.           

The majority of courses within the program include a lab component that effectively complements the lectures and tutorials, offering students the opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on experience. This practical experience is essential for students as they prepare for future employment or further study within the field of chemistry.

Entrance Requirements for Direct / Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct / Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have studied a subject related to Chemistry at a high school or post-secondary institution.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree / Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award.   

Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the "Undergraduate Catalogue".

Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry (CHEM) fosters an interdisciplinary approach in teaching and research. CHEM is committed to training science graduates to meet the demand for technical, educational and industrial professionals in Hong Kong. The study programmes offered by the Department are designed to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students need to achieve fulfilling personal development and a successful career.     


CHEM currently offers BSc in Chemistry.  

This major integrates theory and practice. By focusing on the application of knowledge, it helps students to understand important scientific issues, current technologies and future challenges in light of local, regional and global needs. Most of the courses have a lab component that complements the lectures and tutorials and enables students to acquire hands-on experience in preparation for their future employment or further study.  

Our Target

The Chemistry major aims to provide students with a firm foundation in chemistry that will equip them with the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes required to achieve personal development and find suitable employment in the industrial, commercial, government and educational sectors.

What You Will Be Studying

This major offers core courses covering foundational topics in analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. It also includes a wide range of electives on current and emerging areas in chemical science. Students can specialize in one of the streams to attain the necessary knowledge and skills, which can be applied in the real-life: 

  • Comprehensive Chemistry     
    (accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry)  
  • Cosmetic Chemistry  
  • Forensic Chemistry  
  • Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT)  

In addition, talented students can complete two degrees with an accelerated pace by selecting:   

  • Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme; or 
  • Joint Bachelor’s Degree Programme with the University of Manchester.
Start Your Career Here

Graduates can expect to make a significant contribution in both the government and private sectors. You may seek employment in various government departments (such as the Environmental Protection Department, Government Laboratory or the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department), consultancy companies, laboratories and the commercial, industrial or educational sectors. Alternatively, you may choose to pursue postgraduate studies.

Industrial Training and International Exchange

The College of Science and the Department offer work placement opportunities through internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments to firms not only in Hong Kong, but also in the Pearl River Delta region and overseas. Through such placements, students will:

  • gain solid experience in a real-life work environment; 
  • develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills;
  • learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism; and
  • broaden their experience and enhance their employability.

For details, please visit the College's website.

Furthermore, to help students broaden their educational horizons, gain language experience and enhance their awareness of different cultures, the Department, College and University offer credit-bearing exchange programmes with various partner institutions around the world, including universities in Australia, Canada, Europe, the US and the Asia-Pacific region.

For details, please visit the University’s outbound exchange programme website and the Department of Chemistry's outbound exchange programme website.

The Department also organises out-of-classroom learning activities to broaden students’ learning interests. These include:

  • Industrial Attachment and Overseas Internship Schemes, which help students to acquire work experience in various local, regional and international companies and organisations.
  • Student Exchange Programmes, which provide students with opportunities to experience foreign cultures and enhance their intercultural and interpersonal skills while studying abroad.
  • Summer Research Scholarship Scheme, which pair students with staff research groups to promote a research culture among undergraduate students.
Professional Recognition

Chemistry graduates are eligible for:

Bonus Features

Our courses are practical and based on examples from the local region. Many courses are augmented with laboratory sessions and out-of-classroom learning activities.

We aim to facilitate your active learning, rather than forcing you to memorise information. We use a range of strategies to help you learn, including:

  • web-based software to enhance your discussion of course materials;
  • the Personal Response System, an electronic device used in the classroom to gauge your understanding during lessons;
  • problem-based learning schemes that stimulate you to apply subject knowledge to solve daily life problems related to chemistry; and
  • open book examinations in some courses to encourage you to read widely and enhance your comprehension skills.
Did You Know?

This major provides basic and professional training in the areas of chemistry. Graduates can seek career opportunities in the industrial, governmental and educational sectors.

The major has close relationships with the government and industrial sectors, with the goal of nurturing the next generation of chemistry professionals.

What can CHEMISTS do?
BSc Chemistry 理學士(化學)
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value


Contact Type
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

On a selective basis
- December 2024 to May 2025
- Individual interview
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display
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BSc Physics [Features: Classical Physics / Modern Physics / Experimental and Computational Physics / Medical Physics / Condensed Matter Physics / Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT)]

理學士 (物理學) (特點:經典物理 /近代物理 / 實驗與電算物理 / 醫學物理 / 凝聚態物理 / 環球精研與科創)
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1208 (JS1208)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

22 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme / Major Leader
Prof. YU Wing Chi

+852 3442 7702

Deputy Programme / Major Leader
Prof. WONG Sung Ching Sam

+852 3442 4009


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BSc Physics?

Are you curious about how Nature works? Do you aspire to apply your classroom learning to real-world scientific challenges and contribute to technological advancements? If so, come and join us at CityUHK. Our undergraduate programme offers rigorous training in fundamental physics and its applications across various specialized fields such as medical physics, soft matter and biophysics, financial engineering, materials science and optics. In addition to acquiring core physics knowledge, you will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will benefit you throughout your life. You will also have the opportunity to engage in a range of activities such as overseas exchanges, internships, and research attachment in one of our professor’s research groups to enhance your learning experiences beyond the classroom. For students with excellent academic performance, you can also apply for the Joint bachelor’s degree programme between CityUHK and Columbia University (New York) where you will earn two degrees - a BSc degree from CityUHK and a BA degree from Columbia U - upon completing all the course requirements. Last but not least, you will not be alone on your study journey with us. You will be assigned a professor from our department as your academic advisor and paired with a senior student mentor who can share with you his/her university life experience and provide support in your studies.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1208 Physics
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 2
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Chemistry 
- Design and Applied Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements. Applicants are also expected to have a science or engineering background.

Curriculum Structure

(For First Year entry)

Gateway Education

GE English/EAP (6 credit units)#

  • GE English (1): GE 1401 University English (3 credit units)
  • GE English (2): GE 2401 English for Science (3 credit units)

#Students scoring below Level 4 in HKDSE English Language or Grade D in HKALE AS-level Use of English or students who do not possess an equivalent qualification are required to complete two 3-credit unit courses, prior to taking the GE English courses. Students who demonstrate that they have achieved a grade B or above in their overall course results for ELA0200A will achieve 3 credits and also be considered to have satisfied the pre-requisite for entry to the GE English courses without needing to take ELA0200B.

College Specified GE Courses (9 credit units)

  • MA1200/MA1300 (3 credit units)   
    Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I/   
    Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I
  • MA1201/MA1301 (3 credit units)   
    Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II/   
    Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra II
  • CS1302 (3 credit units)   
    Introduction to Computer Programming

Any GE Courses (3 credit units)

  • GE1501 Chinese Civilization – History and Philosophy and/or GE courses from the distributional areas

College Required Courses

College Required Science Courses (6 credit units)

  • PHY1101 Introductory Classical Mechanics (3 credit units)

Choose one from the following science courses:

  • CHEM1101 Introduction to Chemistry (3 credit units)
  • CHEM1300 Principles of General Chemistry (3 credit units)
  • CHEM1200 Discovery in Biology (3 credit units)
  • MA1501 Coordinate Geometry (3 credit units)
  • MA1502 Algebra (3 credit units)

Soft Skills Courses (0 credit unit)

  • CSCI1001 Employability for Scientists
  • CSCI1002 Career Lab for Scientists

Major Required Courses

Department Specified Courses (6 credit units)

  • PHY1202 General Physics II (3 credit units)
  • PHY1203 General Physics III (3 credit units)

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the ‘Undergraduate Catalogue.

Department of Physics

Building on the excellent tradition of the physics faculty in the former Department of Physics and Materials Science, the Department of Physics aspires to become a leading physics department in the Asia-Pacific Region. Our faculty members have received international recognition, including fellowships from prestigious societies such as the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Materials Research Society.

Students pursuing the BSc Physics major are taught fundamental physics topics, and various specialized physics-related disciplines such as biophysics, medical physics, financial engineering, optics, and material science/solid-state physics, paving their way to diversified career paths in the medical and health care, engineering, education, commercial and industrial sectors or postgraduate studies. Students may take part in the Department’s research attachment scheme, which gives them early exposure to discovery and innovation. Students who meet certain requirements can apply for admission to the Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program between City University of Hong Kong and Columbia University in the US (http://gs.columbia.edu/cityu-hk/) or Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme (BSc Physics + MSc Applied Physics) (https://www.cityu.edu.hk/phy/ug-plus-tpg).

物理學學士學位課程,涵蓋基礎物理學及應用物理相關專題,包括生物物理、醫學物理、金融工程、光學、和材料科學 / 固態物理,,為學生開拓多元化的就業前境。畢業生可應聘到醫院、工程界、科技公司、教育界、工商界等不同機構工作,亦可選擇繼續升學深造。本學系設有研究實習計劃,讓學生及早接觸科學探索,啟發創新思維。同時,修讀本課程並符合指定條件的學生,均可申請報讀香港城市大學-美國哥倫比亞大學雙聯學士學位課程 (http://gs.columbia.edu/cityu-hk/) 或 物理學理學士及應用物理學理學項士學位課程 (https://www.cityu.edu.hk/phy/ug-plus-tpg)。​

Our Target

We equip our students with knowledge and critical thinking skills that will enable them to tackle difficult problems throughout their careers. The curriculum teaches not only foundational courses in physics, but also technology-driven courses such as computer modelling and advanced instrumentation. It enables students to acquire knowledge and skills from the following areas: Biophysics, Medical Physics, Financial Engineering, Optics, and Material Science/Solid-state Physics. Graduates are well equipped not only for developing a diverse range of professional careers but also for pursuing postgraduate studies.

Career Prospects

Physics graduates enjoy a diverse range of challenging careers from medical physicists, financial engineers, data scientists to professionals in STEM education, scientific research and technological development. Graduates may also develop their careers in the commercial sector or take up public sector roles in organisations such as the Hong Kong Observatory, the Environmental Protection Department and the Hospital Authority.

Our physics major also prepares students for further studies in fundamental physics, biophysics, medical physics, quantum physics, computational physics, materials engineering and other related fields.

Entrance Scholarship

Department of Physics Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Undergraduate students who are admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Physics programme through the JUPAS route with outstanding academic performance will be automatically considered for the scholarships.  For details, please click here.

Student Exchange / Internship

The College of Science and the Department offer work placement opportunities through different internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments to companies in Hong Kong, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area and Overseas. Through such placements, students will:

  • gain solid experience in a real-world work environment;
  • develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills;
  • learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism; and
  • broaden their experience and enhance their employability.

For details, please visit the College’s website on Internship Schemes.

To broaden students’ exposures beyond the classroom and enrich their international experience, the Department, College and University offer a wide range of credit-bearing exchange programmes with around 350 partner universities over the world, including Australia, Canada, Europe, the US and the Asia-Pacific region.

For details, please visit the University’s outbound exchange programme website.

Bonus Features

Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program between City University of Hong Kong and Columbia University: Students who meet certain requirements can apply for admission to this Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program (http://gs.columbia.edu/cityu-hk/).

Research Attachment Scheme: Through this scheme, students can gain additional insights into the fascinating world of physics and related disciplines and equip themselves for undertaking final year projects or further studies.  

State-of-the-art Equipment and Facilities: The dilution refrigerator in our low-temperature labs, a HK$4-million piece of equipment, can generate temperatures much lower than deep space, enabling our students and researchers to observe quantum mechanical effects. Students can also access the China Spallation Neutron Source at Dongguang, one of only four pulsed spallation neutron sources in the world.

Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme​: Elite students can apply for the programme where they can benefit from advanced physics courses normally taught at the postgraduate level (https://www.cityu.edu.hk/phy/ug-plus-tpg).

Did You Know?

Some outstanding students choose to join research teams or further their studies in prestigious universities such as Columbia University and Northwestern University in the US, Oxford and Cambridge in the UK.

Prof. S T Chu and his collaborators have achieved a new world record of the fastest internet data speed by using a piece of equipment known as a ‘micro-comb’. Their research findings were published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Communications, and featured on BBC news. It was also widely reported by the local media. 

Programme Video (Chinese Version)
Programme Video (English Version)
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 7831

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 4 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

When necessary
- November 2024 to May 2025
- Individual interview
- English

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary 
- June 2025 
- Group or individual interview 
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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BSc Computing Mathematics (Streams: Enriched Mathematics / Financial Mathematics / Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT))

理學士 (計算數學) (專修範疇: 數學精研 / 金融數學 / 環球精研與科創)
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1206 (JS1206)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

38 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme / Major Leader
Prof. DAI Dan

PhD (City University of Hong Kong, HK)

+852 3442 5995

Admissions Tutor
Prof. LO Wing-cheong

PhD (University of California, Irvine, USA)

+852 3442 2578


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BSc Computing Mathematics?

Mathematics is the language of science. It forms the foundation for various disciplines, such as artificial intelligence, computer science, data science, economics, engineering, physics, and even social sciences. Learning mathematics develops our ability of logical reasoning, precision, critical thinking, such that we can organize and analyze complex information, tackle complex problems in many different areas of your life and career. The programme provides students with a strong background of mathematical theory, skills and tools for mathematical modelling, scientific computation and technical computer software. Our graduates are in high demand in many sectors, including finance, technology, education, etc.. 

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1206 BSc Computing Mathematics
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 3
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Biology 
- Business, Accounting and Financial Studies 
- Chemistry 
- Information and Communication Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Students seeking admission to the Department of Mathematics are strongly advised to study:

Mathematics Extended Part Algebra and Calculus (Module 2) or Calculus and Statistics (Module 1), particularly Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus)

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have studied a science-related subject such as Mathematics, Further Mathematics or Statistics at a high school or post-secondary institution.

As direct applicants are selected according to a variety of qualifications, selection is made on a case-by-case basis. Performance in selection tests and interviews, where applicable, is also an important assessment criterion.

Department of Mathematics

The Department specialises in applied and computational mathematics. Undergraduate teaching is backed up by extensive research on a wide range of topics. This places us in close contact with many modern uses of mathematics. Our programme is both relevant and up-to-date.

We are proud of our academic staff, many of whom are internationally renowned scholars. For example, Professor Philippe G. Ciarlet, member of the French Academy of Sciences and of seven other academies, was Chair Professor of the Department until August 2011. He joined the office of the College of Science and Engineering in September 2011 as University Distinguished Professor. Professor Ciarlet has received numerous distinctions, among which a Grand Prize of the French Academy of Sciences and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Award.

Professor Ciarlet is currently Emeritus Professor of the Department, and Senior Fellow in the Institute for Advanced Study of City University of Hong Kong.


本系的教員令我們深感自豪,當中不乏享譽國際的學者。法國科學院兼另外七間學院院士Philippe G. Ciarlet 教授,曾任本系講座教授至二零一一年八月,九月開始出任科學及工程學院大學傑出教授。Ciarlet 教授獲頒多個獎項,其中包括法國科學院的法國科學大獎及洪堡研究獎。

Ciarlet 教授現為香港城巿大學數學系的榮休教授,高等研究院資深院士。

Our Target

We aim at equipping students and producing graduates with strong backgrounds in data analysis, mathematical modelling, scientific computing and technical computer software. Students are trained to think quantitatively and analyse problems critically.  Our graduates contribute to the commercial, financial and industrial sectors in Hong Kong and throughout Greater China. The programme focuses on linking the applied areas of mathematics and computing.

Major Aims

The Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics programme was introduced in 1994. This major is unique in Hong Kong.  It emphasizes the balance between theories and their applications to practical problems, with a special focus on applied mathematics linked to computational aspects.

The major aims at equipping students and producing graduates with a strong background in:

  • data analysis
  • mathematical modelling
  • scientific computing
  • technical computer software

Students are trained to think quantitatively and analyse problems critically.

As graduates of our programme, they are in hot demand in a number of fields, including data analysis, business intelligence analysis, mathematical modelling, quantitative business planning, and scientific programming. There is also a demand for mathematics teachers in Hong Kong secondary schools.  Most graduates entered the workforce in business, finance and education sectors.

Apart from joining the workforce, some of our graduates further their studies locally or in overseas universities, such as University of Cambridge and University of Oxford in UK, University of Toronto in Canada, Harvard University, Yale University, New York University, University of Chicago and Universities of California in the US, and ETH Zurich in Switzerland.



What You Will Be Studying

Students are required to complete 121 credit units in different courses. The major covers communication skills, general studies, and core subjects in Complex Analysis, Computing and Programming Techniques, Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Methods, Optimization, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, and Probability and Statistics.

Electives include Actuarial Science, Applied Functional Analysis, Applied Statistics, Computational Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Finite Element Method, Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Finance, Modelling and Partial Differential Equations, and Sampling Survey Methods for Social and Market Research.

Students also need to satisfy the university requirements in language and Chinese civilization.  The curriculum is very flexible.  The university requirement for gateway education and free electives give students opportunities to develop their own interests in other subjects.

Curriculum Structure

Please visit the ‘Undergraduate Catalogue’ for the programme’s curriculum structure details.

Start Your Career Here

As a graduate of our major, you will find yourself in hot demand in a number of fields, including data analysis, business intelligence analysis, mathematical modelling, quantitative business planning, and scientific programming. There is also a demand for mathematics teachers in Hong Kong secondary schools. Most graduates entered the workforce in business, finance and education sectors.

Industrial Training and International Exchange

The College of Science (CSCI) and the Department offer work placement opportunities through various internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments in firms not only in Hong Kong, but also in the Pearl River Delta region and overseas. Through such placements, students will:

  • broaden their experience and enhance their employability;
  • develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills;
  • gain solid experience in a real-world work environment; and
  • learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism.

For details, please visit the College of Science’s internship schemes website.

Furthermore, for students to broaden their educational horizons, gain language experience and enhance their awareness of different cultures, the Department, College and University offer over 110 credit-bearing exchange programmes with various partner institutions around the world, including universities in Australia, Canada, Europe, the US and the Asia-Pacific region.

For details, please visit the University's outbound exchange programme website.

Joint Bachelor's Degree Programme
Did You Know?

The Programme emphasizes on applied mathematics, numerical computations and their applications on science, engineering, finance and AI commerce. 

Programme Video
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 8643

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 0250

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 4 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

On a selective basis
- Mid-January to Mid-February 2025
- Individual interview
- English and Cantonese

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

On a selective basis 
- June 2025 
- Group interview (40 minutes) 
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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