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Mingpao JUMP
一入職場深似海,從大學畢業到進入社會,需面對很多新的人與事,適應期長短因人而異,關鍵在於充分的事前裝備。香港城市大學能源及環境學院正式推出「能源環境工程師就業培訓計劃 (Industry Ready Programme)」,透過行業合作伙伴提供課外工作培訓及暑期實習,配合大學課程所學,助本科生就業軟硬實力Level Up,有利日後求職及開展事業,在職場盡顯個人優勢! ...

HK Tech 300 Seed Fund
Following its earlier announcement of the launch of the flagship innovation and entrepreneurship programme “HK Tech 300” with an allocation of HK$500M, CityU held the HK Tech 300 Seed Fund...

SEE undergraduate programmes RTHK
Dr. Patrick Lee, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), was invited by Hok Yau Club to be a guest speaker of the RTHK radio programme "奮發時刻 DSE" on 22 May 2021. Through the programme, Dr. Lee...