
by Sunny Wong

win11 upgrade
In October 2023, there was an important IT news update regarding the upcoming end of support for Windows 10. We now have only 16 months remaining before the deadline to migrate from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Our records indicate that a significant number, approximately 2,000 computers on campus, are ...

by Sunny Wong

EOS Win 10
Windows 10 follows Microsoft’s Modern Lifecycle Policy, which implies that the operating system will reach the end of its support on 14 October 2025. However, until that date, monthly security updates will continue to be released for Windows 10. It is important to note that without these security ...

by Tony Chan and Deep Batra

quick assist
The Computing Services Centre (CSC) is a user-focused support centre devoted to helping users in different service areas. Providing better support to users is the top mission of our centre. Besides supporting through phone and on-site visits, Remote Support software gives our support staff the ...

by Joe Chow

ie11 to edge
As of 2013, Internet Explorer 11 (IE) was once the default browser in CityU. But it was replaced by Google Chrome a few years later, and Chrome has become the default browser used in CityU ever since. Despite this, some users and applications still rely on IE. However, Microsoft officially announced ...

by Deep Batra

sophos logo 3
Anti-virus software is vital to help keep both University computers and your own personal computer secure. With this in mind, the Computing Services Centre (CSC) has performed rigorous due-diligence work to ensure the right product is chosen to address the upcoming challenges users face in the ...

by Joe Chow

windows upgrade
According to Microsoft, no more support and security patches will be provided for computers running on Windows 7 after 14th January 2020. Without support and security patching, Windows 7 will be vulnerable to hacking activities. To mitigate the potential risks, all Windows 7 machines are required to ...

by Joe Chow

In recent years, many Audio Visual (AV) vendors made use of IP technology on their AV products. Such technology allows administration, control, and transmission of AV and signals over computer networks. Such flexibility extended the manageability and extensibility of AV systems and made AV ...


Top 10 Password Manager in 2011
/* The following article is extracted from the "Information Security Newsletter" published by the JUCC IS Task Force. */ Authentication is the process of identifying the authenticity of a user. It can be accomplished by means of a combination of login ID (identification) and password (authentication ...

by Tony Chan

​ Since the first release of Windows 10 in July 2015, Microsoft has been providing feature updates for the operating system twice a year. Each version of Windows 10 was serviced with quality updates up to 18 months after its release. Users are strongly advised to upgrade their devices to the latest ...

by Joe Chow

In the previous two articles ( Ref: September 2015 and March 2016), we have introduced Windows 10 and its deployment plan on both Student LAN and Staff LAN. Subsequently, the Computing Services Centre (CSC) deployed Windows 10 for teaching and learning in the CSC teaching studios, lecture theatres ...