Department of Systems Engineering (SYE)
The SYE Department aspires to become a centre of excellence in education and research in smart manufacturing, systems engineering, and semiconductor manufacturing. It serves as a collaboration platform for developing cross-disciplinary academic programmes and interdisciplinary research projects at CityU.
Our Programmes

What's New
In a significant advancement in solar energy technology, a team of researchers at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) has developed a groundbreaking living passivator that substantially enhances the stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells.
Led by Professor Feng Shien-ping, Associate Dean in the College of Engineering and Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering at CityUHK, this innovative coating mimics sustained-release capsules in drugs, which continuously release chemicals to heal defects caused by environmental stressors like water and heat, making it a promising solution for next-generation perovskite photovoltaics. [CityU NewsCentre]
Dr. SUN Hongyi has developed a unique intellectual teaching model designed to stimulate creativity and innovation by means of Chinese wisdom and fostering entrepreneurship with Western scientific methodology. [CityU NewsCentre]
7 Apr 2022Prof. XIE Min is elected to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. [CityU NewsCentre]
20 Aug 2021Dr. CHAN Hoi Shou Alan is re-appointed as the Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Council for two years. [The HKSAR Government Gazette]
20 Jul 2021城大工學院畢業生欲回大灣區就業 學習工業4.0技術助香港發展 [香港01]
21 May 2021城大新辦「智能製造工程」學士課程 [星島網]
20 May 2021
城大首設智能製造工程學課程 推動再工業化發展 [on.cc東網]
城大開辦智能製造工程學課程 培育AI科技產業人才 [星島網]

Mr LUI Chun Fai, a 2020 graduate of Bachelor of Engineering in Systems Engineering and Management, was selected to receive the College Medal 2020. [e-Bulletin: College of Engineering]
1 Dec 2020城大全港首推智能製造工程課程 [Headline Daily]
Nov 2020城大全新智能製造工程學課程 培育全球炙手可熱人才迎工業4.0 [Mingpao]