Laboratory Safety

SEE Laboratory Safety Manuals & Guidelines

The laboratory safety website provides current information on safety matters in the laboratories of the School of Energy and Environment (SEE).

[Violation of the University's safety rules may lead to disciplinary actions.]

Safety Policies and Guidelines for Staff and Students

Lab Safety Information

Chemical Safety

Biological Safety

Ionizing Radiation Safety

Laser Safety

Animal Work Safety

Compressed Gases & Cryogenic Liquids Handling

Safety Training Materials

All SEE faculty members, supporting staff, research staff and students are required to fulfill the safety training requirements established by CityU and SEE.

Safety Equipment and Facilities in Laboratory

Useful Forms

Purchase of Chemicals

Risk Assessment

To be conducted by Project Leaders / Course Leaders / their Delegates:

To be conducted by Teaching Assistants / Research Staff / Students:

Other Safety Leaflets and Alerts

Other Useful Information

Last update on 13 August 2024.