Visit to Education Path of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department on 17 March 2015

Students taking the undergraduate course, SEE4112 Energy Systems Analysis, offered by the School participated in the visit to the Education Path of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) on 17 March 2015 (Tuesday).

During the 2-hour visit, comprehensive knowledge of various aspects, including energy-related issues, renewable and clean energy technologies, energy conservation programme, development of energy-efficient building services installation, energy data, EMSD’s accomplishment, history as well as some events, were shown to the students at the exhibition gallery with 19 interactive exhibits to promote energy efficiency and arouse awareness of the public in renewable energy technologies.  The students were also amazed by the operation of a large-scale photovoltaic system consisting of over 2,000 photovoltaic panels in a total area exceeding 3,000 m2 at the viewing gallery.