Student Chapter Site Visit to O·PARK1: Exploring Food Waste Reuse, Recovery and Regeneration Process

On 8 and 10 November 2023, the School of Energy and Environment (SEE) Student Chapter, led by Prof. Edwin TSO, organized a visit to O·PARK1. The engineers at O·PARK1 provided us with an insightful introduction to the advanced techniques employed in the recovery process of organic resources. This visit allowed students to witness firsthand the practical implementation of the Hong Kong government’s sustainable waste management and recycling initiatives.

Under the guidance of the engineers at O·PARK1, approximately 20 participants were taken through various areas, including food waste reception, biotreatment, power generation and compost production. Furthermore, an informative and engaging movie on food waste management was screened, enriching our understanding of the subject. This visit served as a valuable component of SEE’s efforts to encourage students to comprehend and contribute to environmental sustainability through real-life examples.