Idea Sharing on Final Year Projects with Binnies Hong Kong Limited

With its commitment to making the world a better place, Binnies Hong Kong Limited (“Binnies”) has generously donated to the School of Energy and Environment in support of the selected 2020/21 final year projects (as listed below) relating to renewable energy and waste management. 

Project Title FYP Student FYP Supervisor
Investigation of Electrochemical Impedance System for Early Wetting Detection in Membrane Distillation Mr CHAN Ben Sun Dr Alicia AN
Compact Wastewater-to-resource Facility Mr CHO Kam Tao Dr Alicia AN
Bio-photoelectrochemical Hybrid Devices for Simultaneous Wastewater Treatment and Solar-fuel Generation Mr CHONG Man Hin Dr Sam HSU
Development of Copper-based Electrocatalyst for Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia Miss MAK Wai Yu Dr Yun Hau NG

The School was grateful for delegates of Binnies, namely Ir James CHAN (Director), Ms Christina KO (Director of Projects), and Ir Eric LO (Director of Projects), coming over to share their valuable ideas with the Dean, FYP students and supervisors on 29 April 2021.  The delegates were greatly impressed with students’ performance while their meaningful insights and thoughts enabled the students to reflect on how the projects they had worked on can bring positive impacts to the society.

Binnies Hong Kong Limited
Back row (from left): Ms Priscilla LAM (Development Office of CityU), Dr Sam HSU, Dr Alicia AN, Dr Yun Hau NG, Ir James CHAN, Professor Chak CHAN, Ms Christina KO, Ir Eric LO
Front row (from left): Mr CHO Kam Tao, Mr CHAN Ben Sun, Miss MAK Wai Yu, Mr CHONG Man Hin