Dr. Yun Hau Ng won the Kataoka Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist 2021

Dr. Yun Hau Ng, Associate Professor, is recently awarded the Kataoka Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist 2021, by the Japanese Photochemistry Association (JPA). This annual award is presented to one eminent scientist in the Asian and Oceanian region for the scientist’s outstanding research in the study of photochemistry.

At the ceremony held on 15 September 2021, Dr. Ng delivered an award lecture on the topic of harvesting sunlight energy for solar/clean fuels generation. Using photocatalytic system developed at CityU, he turns water and carbon dioxide into hydrogen and methane, respectively, as sustainable chemical fuels, under the sunlight. The research aligns well with Hong Kong’s strategy in achieving ultimate decarbonization. Over the years, he has extended the fundamental knowledge in photocharge transportation, which regulates the overall performance of semiconductor photocatalysts. The award is a recognition to Dr. Ng’s long-term contribution in the field of photochemistry.

Congratulations to Dr. Ng!

Kataoka Lectureship Award Asian and Oceanian Photochemist 2021