Guidelines for Managing University Domain Names

by Raymond Poon

The Policy on the Registration and Use of University Domain Names was approved by the Management Board at the 152nd meeting held on 28 November 2005, and below was the decision made:

Policy on the Registration and Use of University Domain Names

University domain names and sub-domain names are, like the name of the University, institutional assets and their use should be properly authorized and protected according to University rules and regulations. The Board therefore approved a registration and support system for University departments and units, and other organizations that have close ties with the University, to establish proper contact with the University in the use of internal and external university domain names. The Computing Services Centre (CSC) will be the central authority for all internal and external University domain names, including the allocation of internal domain names and the registration of external University domain names for departments. Prior approval from the Finance Office (FO) and the CSC will also be required for any outsourced service that can be accessed through a University domain or sub-domain name, but hosted by an external party.

In order to carry out the task of managing the University domain names, the following three registration forms have been devised:

  1. Application Form for a New Domain Name
    This form is used when applying for a new domain name or registering an existing domain name already in use with the CSC.

    Unless with prior exemption from the Chief Information Officer (CIO), any of, but not limited to, the following situations will require a domain name registration with the CSC:
    • Using the University's funding to subscribe an external domain name ( that is, domain name that does not belong to "" regardless of whether it is or will be hosted by a domain name server at the University, a department, or an external party);
    • Using the University's funding to subscribe an Internet service offered by an external party and accessible through any domain name;
    • Using the University resources (manpower, network bandwidth, equipment, funding, etc) to host an Internet service accessible through an external domain name;
    • Any new sub-domain name to be created immediately under "" such as <department name>, or name of a university-wide service such as <service>;
    • Any new sub-domain name to be hosted by the CSC-managed domain name server on behalf of a department such as <nodename or service name>.<department name>;
    • Any department/unit/office of the University or any member (staff, students, alumni, etc.) provides an Internet service accessible through any domain name without using any University resources but involves the University's business, reputation, image etc.

    If the application is approved, the domain name concerned and/or the Internet service pointed by it will automatically be registered with the CSC.

    Please note that the FO will not make reimbursement or process purchase order for the subscription or renewal of any domain name and/or the service pointed by it which has not been approved through the above process. Therefore, it is advisable that departments should not make any advance payment in any form for these subscriptions or renewals unless they have successfully been registered with CSC.
  2. Notification Form for Removing an Existing Domain Name

    This form is used to notify the CSC of the removal of an existing domain name that was previously registered with the CSC but no longer required
  3. Application Form for Modifying the Hosting of an Existing Domain Name

    This form is used to modify the name of the computer and/or of the company that currently hosts the domain name or hosts the service(s) pointed by it.

These forms are downloadable from "CSC e-Forms" on the right or the CSC home page (from, choose 'Help & Support' menu and then select 'CSC e-forms') or simply click on . Description on the details of registration and guidelines can also be found from the CSC home page (from, choose 'About the CSC' menu, select 'Policies and Regulations' submenu and opt for 'Domain Name System Policy', or go directly to

Departments are welcome to contact the CSC if they have any query.