Policy on the Registration and Use of University Domain Names

by Raymond Poon

An Internet domain name (e.g., cityu.edu.hk) including all its sub-domain names under it (e.g., cs.cityu.edu.hk) resemble in many ways a trademark, a brand name, or a logo of a company. Thus, like the name of the University, domain names should be considered institutional assets whose use must be properly authorized and protected according to the University rules and regulations. Misuse or misrepresentation can damage the University's reputation and image. The University should also be ready to challenge any unauthorized and improper uses of these domain and sub-domain names as they in fact are electronic presence of the University and highly visible to all Internet users including our own.

The Committee of Information Services and Technology, at its 8th meeting, having considered possible policies and guidelines on the registration and use of University domain names, made the following recommendations which were subsequently approved by the Management Board at its 152nd meeting:

  • To nominate the Computing Services Centre (CSC) to represent as the central authority for all internal and external university domain names. This includes allocating internal domain names and registering external university domain names for departments.
  • To require prior approval from the Finance Office (FO) and the CSC for any outsourced service that can be accessed through a University domain or sub-domain name, but hosted by an external party.