Department of Media and Communication Center for Communication Research

Faculty and Teaching Staff

Prof. Yi-Hui Christine HUANG
Head and Chair Professor of Communication and Media
Tel: +(852) 3442 8736
Office: M5059
Email address
Prof. Chris Fei SHEN
Professor Associate Head
Tel: +(852) 3442 5965
Office: M5087
Email address
Prof. Shuhua ZHOU
Chair Professor of Communication and Media
Tel: +(852) 3442 9331
Office: M5058
Email address
Prof. Jonathan ZHU
Chair Professor of Computational Social Science
Tel: +(852) 3442 7186
Office: M5061
Email address
Prof. Joe HE
Professor of Practice
Tel: +(852) 3442 8217
Office: M5060
Email address
Prof. Yue (Nancy) DAI
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 5966
Office: M5092
Email address
Prof. Guanxiong HUANG
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 5967
Office: M5090
Email address
Prof. Li Crystal JIANG
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 9332
Office: M5082
Email address
Prof. Ki Joon KIM
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8611
Office: M5081
Email address
Prof. Edmund Wei Jian LEE
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8868
Office: M5010
Email address
Prof. Fen LIN
Associate Professor Associate Vice-President (Global Strategy)
Tel: +(852) 3442 8691
Office: M5086
Email address
Prof. Marko SKORIC
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8990
Office: M5089
Email address
Prof. Ye SUN
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 7655
Office: M5088
Email address
Prof. Xinzhi ZHANG
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 6129
Office: M5057
Email address
Prof. Seungsu LEE
Assistant Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 6265
Office: M5009
Email address
Prof. Ji Won KIM
Assistant Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8602
Office: M5085
Email address
Prof. Xiaofan LIU
Assistant Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8730
Office: M5083
Email address
Prof. Xiaohui Vincent WANG
Assistant Professor
Tel: 4725
Office: M5056
Email address
Mr Sing Lai Sunny CHAN
Instructor/Mentor program coordinator/Academic advising scheme coordinator
Tel: +(852) 3442 5771
Office: M5084
Email address
Consultant / Departmental Internship Coordinator
Tel: 3442 8651
Office: M5098
Email address
Head and Chair Professor of Communication and Media
Tel: +(852) 3442 8736
Office: M5059
Professor Associate Head
Tel: +(852) 3442 5965
Office: M5087
Chair Professor of Communication and Media
Tel: +(852) 3442 9331
Office: M5058
Chair Professor of Computational Social Science
Tel: +(852) 3442 7186
Office: M5061
Professor of Practice
Tel: +(852) 3442 8217
Office: M5060
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 5966
Office: M5092
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 5967
Office: M5090
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 9332
Office: M5082
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8611
Office: M5081
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8868
Office: M5010
Associate Professor Associate Vice-President (Global Strategy)
Tel: +(852) 3442 8691
Office: M5086
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8990
Office: M5089
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 7655
Office: M5088
Associate Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 6129
Office: M5057
Assistant Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 6265
Office: M5009
Assistant Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8602
Office: M5085
Assistant Professor
Tel: +(852) 3442 8730
Office: M5083
Assistant Professor
Tel: 4725
Office: M5056
Instructor/Mentor program coordinator/Academic advising scheme coordinator
Tel: +(852) 3442 5771
Office: M5084
Consultant / Departmental Internship Coordinator
Tel: 3442 8651
Office: M5098