HKSAR Government Scholarship & CityU Scholarship
(1) HKSAR Government Scholarship
The HKSAR Government has established a scholarship fund to reward outstanding local and non-local current students taking UGC-funded full-time degree level programmes. The Scholarship is tenable until the completion of the normal duration of the same undergraduate programme as enrolled by the recipients. The value of the Scholarship is as follows:
- HK$40,000@ for local UGC-funded degree students and HK$80,000@ for non-local UGC-funded degree students
UGC-funded students, including local and non-local, with outstanding academic performance, i.e. a Cumulative GPA of 3.7 or above by the end of Semester B of each academic year, or the top students (in terms of CGPA by the end of Semester B of the year) in each College/School are eligible to compete for the government scholarships. Nominations shall be made by respective College/School in October / November each year.
The selection criteria include:
- Excellent performance in academic studies
- Recognized contribution to the institution/society
- Demonstrated leadership and good communication skills; and/or
- Strong commitment to the Hong Kong community
(2) CityU Scholarship
In addition, the University will provide “CityU Scholarship” in the fixed amount of HK$30,000@ (a one-off award) to encourage and reward UGC-funded full-time undergraduate students in pursuit of academic excellence. Local and non-local UGC-funded degree students who are not benefitted from the HKSAR Government Scholarship are eligible to compete for the CityU Scholarship.
Further details of the above scholarships can be referred in the regulations via AIMS: Student Services\Scholarship and Financial Aid (SFA):
- HKSAR Government Scholarship (SFA ID: 547)
- CityU Scholarship (SFA ID: 796)