Student Organisations

Student Organisations
SDS works closely with our student leaders from different student organisations. We strive to support you and your organisations with abundant resources!

List of DegreePlus-Student Organisations
Student Chapter - College and School
- College of Business (CB)
- College of Engineering (CENG)
- College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS)
- College of Science (CSCI)
- Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences (JCC)
- School of Creative Media (SCM)
- School of Data Science (SDSC)
- School of Energy and Environment (SEE)
- School of Law (SLW)
Student Chapter - Department
- Accountancy (AC)
- Advanced Design and Systems Engineering (ADSE)
- Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE)
- Chinese and History (CAH)
- College of Engineering (BME)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Economics and Finance (EF)
- Electrical Engineering (EE)
- English (EN)
- Linguistics and Translation (LT)
- Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
- Mechanical Engineering (MNE)
- Media and Communication (COM)
- Physics (PHY)
- Public and International Affairs (PIA)
- Social and Behavioural Sciences (SS)
Interest Clubs
- A Capella Club (Enrolment)
- Astronomy Club (Enrolment)
- Balloon Arts Club (Enrolment)
- Band Society
- Baseball & Softball Society
- Card & Board Game Guild
- Christian Band
- CityUHK Wofoo Leaders' Network (Enrolment)
- CityUHK Chinese Debating Team
- CityUHK Chinese Orchestra
- CityUHK Choir
- CityUHK English Debating Team
- CityUHK ICAC Ambassador
- CityUHK iOS Club
- CityUHK Judo Club
- CityUHK Model United Nations
- CityUHK Philharmonic Orchestra
- CityUHK Putonghua Debating Team
- CityUHK Research and Investment Club
- CityUHK Robocon Team
- CityUHK Sustainability Student Club
- CityUHK Underwater Robotics Team
- Comedy Battle (Enrolment)
- Comic, Animation and Doujinshi Society
- Cycling Club (Enrolment)
- Dancing Society
- Flag Raising Team
- Golden Z Club (Enrolment)
- IEEE HK Section CityUHK Student Branch
- Magic Club (Enrolment)
- Peak Performance Society (Enrolment)
- Performing Arts Club (Enrolment)
- Photography Club (Enrolment)
- Rotaract Club (Enrolment)
- Society for Wine Studies (Enrolment)
- Urban Transformation Christian Community
- Wing Chun Martial Arts Club
Sports Clubs*
- Archery
- Badminton
- Climbing
- Dragon Boat
- Fitness and Yoga
- Golf
- Karate
- Martial Arts
- Outdoor Pursuits
- Rowing
- Rugby
- Table Tennis
- Taekwondo
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- *Sports For ALL
Guidelines for Organising Student-led Activities
As the activity organisers, students should have the responsibility to observe and follow the Guidelines in organising activities.
Affiliation of Student organisations
Student organisations wishing to affiliate with SDS, please apply for registration under SDS. For details, please refer to SDS-affiliated Student Organisations Registration.
Student Activity Fund
Local Activities
- Purpose of Fund
i. To subsidise meaningful local students activities organised by student organisations or individual students.
ii. To support student organisations in acquiring necessary equipment
iii. To encourage students to organise and participate in local activities, so as to develop their leadership abilities and interpersonal skills, as well as cultivate their personal interests - Guidelines
- Application Form
Non-local Activities
- Purpose of Fund
i. The Fund shall be used for subsidising student non-local activities which are NOT part of their course requirements, such as world or regional sports competitions, inter-institutional competitions, presentations at overseas seminars, cultural exchange programmes and study tours.
ii. The Fund shall be used to subsidise the costs incurred by students in their overseas activities, and may include transportation, accommodations, board, registration fee, project expenses and insurance cost. - Guidelines
- Application Form
External Fund
- Purpose of Fund
(A) Hsin Chong - K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund For Joint Student Projects 2024/25 (1st Round)
Application Form
(B) Hsin Chong - K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund For Student Programmes 2024/25
Application Form
For enquiries in student activities, please contact Student Activity Team at email: