Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Quantum Materials
Applied Physics
Soft Matter and Biophysics
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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All publications

Near-Field Spin Chern Number Quantized by Real-Space Topology of Optical Structures

Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 233801 (2024)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Enabling High Stability of Co-Free LiNiO2 Cathode via a Sulfide-Enriched Cathode Electrolyte Interface

ACS Energy Letters, 9, 2717–2726 (2024)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Applied Physics
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Regulation of both bulk and surface structure by W/S co-doping for Li-rich layered cathodes with remarkable voltage and capacity stability

Advanced Functional Materials, 2404044 (2024)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Applied Physics
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Achieving Long‐Life Ni‐Rich Cathodes with Improved Mechanical‐Chemical Properties Via Concentration Gradient Structure

Advanced Functional Materials, 2400956 (2024)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Applied Physics
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Anomalous electrons in a metallic kagome ferromagnet

Nature, 627, 67–72 (2024)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Phonon promoted charge density wave in topological kagome metal ScV6Sn6

Nature Communications, 15, 1658 (2024)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Non-trivial band topology and orbital-selective electronic nematicity in a titanium-based kagome superconductor

Nature Physics (2023)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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The impact of baryonic potentials on the gravothermal evolution of self-interacting dark matter haloes

Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 526, 1 (2023), p.758–770
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Critical breakthrough for enhancing battery capacity

Nature Energy (2023)
Applied Physics
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Reconciling scaling of the optical conductivity of cuprate superconductors with Planckian resistivity and specific heat

Nature Communications, 14, 3033 (2023)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Universality in RNA and DNA deformations induced by salt, temperature change, stretching force, and protein binding

PNAS, 120, 2218425120 (2023)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Resolving the polar interface of infinite-layer nickelate thin films

Nature Materials, 22, 466–473 (2023)
Quantum Materials
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Stability of laser cavity-solitons for metrological applications

Appl. Phys. Lett., 122, 121104 (2023)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Molecular Polaritons: Langevin Approach

Physical Review Letters, 130, 103001 (2023)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Stable optical lateral forces from inhomogeneities of the spin angular momentum

Science Advances, 8, eabn2291 (2022)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Unconventional superconductivity in topological Kramers nodal-line semimetals

Science Advances, 8, eabq6589 (2022)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Topological near fields generated by topological structures

Science Advances, 8, eabq0910 (2022)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Deterministic Loading of Microwaves onto an Artificial Atom Using a Time-Reversed Waveform

Nano Lett., 22, 20, 8137–8142 (2022)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Tunable topological Dirac surface states and van Hove singularities in kagome metal GdV6Sn6

Science Advances, 8, eadd2024 (2022)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Resonant phonon modes induced by molecular rotations in alpha-pentaerythritol crystals

J. Mater. Chem. C, 10, 14431-14438 (2022)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Electrostatic gating and intercalation in 2D materials

Nature Reviews Materials, 8, 41–53 (2023)
Quantum Materials
Applied Physics
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Robust entangling gate for capacitively coupled few-electron singlet-triplet qubits

Phys. Rev. B, 106, 075417 (2022)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Self-emergence of robust solitons in a microcavity

Nature, 608, 303–309 (2022)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Intrinsic magnetism in superconducting infinite-layer nickelates

Nature Physics, 18, 1043–1047 (2022)
Quantum Materials
Applied Physics
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Shape-Reconfigurable Ferrofluids

Nano Letters, 22(13), 5538-5543 (2022)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Forming double-helix phase of single polymer chains by the cooperation between local structure and nonlocal attraction

Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 197801 (2022)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Rich nature of Van Hove singularities in Kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5

Nature Communications, 13, 2220 (2022)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Measurement-Dependent Erasure of Distinguishability for the Observation of Interference in an Unbalanced SU(1,1) Interferometer

PRX Quantum, 3, 020313 (2022)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Fermionic Many-Body Localization for Random and Quasiperiodic Systems in the Presence of Short- and Long-Range Interactions

Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 146601 (2022)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Twist-diameter coupling drives DNA twist changes with salt and temperature

Science Advances, 8, eabn1384 (2022)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Multivalent Cations Reverse the Twist-Stretch Coupling of RNA

Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 108103 (2022)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Plasmonic Nanocavity Induced Coupling and Boost of Dark Excitons in Monolayer WSe2 at Room Temperature

Nano Letters, 22, 5, 1915–1921 (2022)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Quantum Materials
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Ultralarge anti-Stokes lasing through tandem upconversion

Nat. Commun., 13, 1032 (2022).
Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Multiple mobile excitons manifested as sidebands in quasi-one-dimensional metallic TaSe3

Nature Materials, 21, 423–429 (2022)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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A super-elastic high-energy Elinvar alloy

Nature, 602, 251–257 (2022)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Applied Physics
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Exact mobility edges in the non-Hermitian t1-t2 model: Theory and possible experimental realizations

Physical Review B, 105, 014207 (2022)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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SU(2)-in-SU(1,1) nested interferometer for highly sensitive, loss-tolerant quantum metrology

Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 033061 (2022)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Programmable photon pair source

APL Photonics, 7, 016101 (2022)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Propagation of temporal mode multiplexed optical fields in fibers: influence of dispersion

Opt. Express, 30, 447 (2022)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Stability of scar states in the two-dimensional PXP model against random disorder

Physical Review B, 104, 214305 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Crowding-induced polymer trapping in a channel

Physical Review E, 104, 054502 (2021)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Generalized momentum conservation and Fedorov-Imbert linear shift of acoustic vortex beams at a metasurface

Physical Review B, 104, 174301 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Applied Physics
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Spin-orbit interactions of transverse sound

Nature Communications, 12, 6125 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Applied Physics
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Tube model for polymer knots with excluded volume interactions and its application

Macromolecules, 54, 9299 (2021)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Robust exceptional point of arbitrary order in coupled spinning cylinders

Optics Express, 29, 29720 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Quantum fluctuation-dissipation theorem far from equilibrium

Physical Review B, 104, 085439 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Observation of a singular Weyl point surrounded by charged nodal walls in PtGa

Nature Communications, 12, 3994 (2021)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Implementation of geometric quantum gates on microwave-driven semiconductor charge qubits

Adv. Quantum Technol., 2021, 2100011 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Quantum Materials
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Synthesized soliton crystals

Nature Communications, 12, 3179 (2021)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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A medium-range structure motif linking amorphous and crystalline states

Nature Materials, 20, 1347–1352 (2021)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Stabilization of Sr3Al2O6 Growth Templates for Ex Situ Synthesis of Freestanding Crystalline Oxide Membranes

Nano Letters, 21, 10, 4454-4460 (2021)
Quantum Materials
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Coherent control of the multiple wavelength lasing of N_2^+: coherence transfer and beyond

Optica, 8, 668 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Hearing loss impacts gray and white matter across the lifespan: Systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression

Neurolmage, 231, 117826 (2021)
Applied Physics
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Generalizable control for multiparameter quantum metrology

Physical Review A, 103, 042615 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Charge noise suppression in capacitively coupled singlet-triplet spin qubits under magnetic field

Physical Review B, 103, L161409 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Quantum Materials
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Generic detection-based error mitigation using quantum autoencoders

Physical Review A, 103, L040403 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Large Tuning of Electroresistance in an Electromagnetic Device Structure Based on the Ferromagnetic–Piezoelectric Interface

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 18984–18990 (2021)
Quantum Materials
Applied Physics
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Discovery of 𝐶2 rotation anomaly in topological crystalline insulator SrPb

Nature Communications, 12, 2052 (2021)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Optical isolation induced by subwavelength spinning particle via spin-orbit interaction

Physical Review B, 103, 094105 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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CHO cell dysfunction due to radiation-induced bystander signals observed by real-time electrical impedance measurement

Biosensors and Bioelectronics
Applied Physics
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DNA Knot Malleability in Single-Digit Nanopores

Nano Letters
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Ferromagnetic liquid droplets with adjustable magnetic properties

Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Unconventional Transverse Transport above and below the Magnetic Transition Temperature in Weyl Semimetal EuCd2As2

Physical Review Letter, 126, 076602 (2021)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Polarization singularities in light scattering by small particles

Physical Review A, 103, 023520 (2021)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Revisiting the Non-monotonic Dependence of Polymer Knotting Probability on the Bending Stiffness

Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Lithium from breast‐milk inhibits thyroid iodine uptake and hormone production, which are remedied by maternal iodine supplementation

Bipolar Disorders (2021)
Applied Physics
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Hearing loss impacts gray and white matter across the lifespan: systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression

Applied Physics
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Excitation-energy transfer under strong laser drive

Physical Review A
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Stacking faults driven phase transformation in CrCoNi medium entropy alloy

Nano Letters
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Applied Physics
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Extreme Suppression of Antiferromagnetic Order and Critical Scaling in a Two-Dimensional Random Quantum Magnet

Physical Review Letters, 126, 037201 (2021)
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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11 TOPS photonic convolutional accelerator for optical neural networks

Nature, 589, 44–51 (2021)
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Applied Physics
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Phase diagram of infinite layer praseodymium nickelate Pr1−xSrxNiO2 thin films

Physical Review Materials
Quantum Materials
Applied Physics
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LiMnO2 cathode stabilized by interfacial orbital ordering for sustainable lithium-ion batteries

Nature Sustainability (2020)
Applied Physics
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Direct observation of nanoparticle-surfactant assembly and jamming at the water-oil interface

Science Advances, 6, 48, eabb8675 (2020)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Stability improvement for dried droplet pretreatment by suppression of coffee ring effect using electrochemical anodized nanoporous tin dioxide substrate

Microchimica Acta
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Optical forces in coupled chiral particles

Physical Review A, 102, 043526 (2020)
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Application of the tube model to explain the unexpected decrease in polymer bending energy induced by knot formation

Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Unconventional valley-dependent optical selection rules and landau level mixing in bilayer graphene

Nature Communications
Quantum Materials
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Observation of High-Frequency Transverse Phonons in Metallic Glasses

Physical Review Letters, 124, 225902 (2020)
Applied Physics
Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Evolution of Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetic Order in Ba (Fe0.92-xCo0.08Vx)2 As2

Physical Review B
Spectroscopy and Imaging
Quantum Materials
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Optical multi-stability in a nonlinear high-order microring resonator filter

APL Photonics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Applied Physics
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Ultra-dense optical data transmission over standard fibre with a single chip source

Nature Communications
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Applied Physics
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Optofluidic Micro-Engine in A Dynamic Flow Environment via Self-Induced Back-Action

ACS Photonics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Synergy of Ion Doping and Spiral Array Architecture on Ti2Nb10O29: A New Way to Achieve High‐Power Electrodes

Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 25, 2002665 (2020)
Applied Physics
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Cytosine methylation enhances DNA condensation revealed by equilibrium measurements using magnetic tweezers

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 20, 9203–9209 (2020)
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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2D Layered Graphene Oxide Films Integrated with Micro‐Ring Resonators for Enhanced Nonlinear Optics

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Applied Physics
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Developing the tube theory for polymer knots

Physical Review Research
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Unveiling the solid-solution charge storage mechanism in 1T vanadium disulfide nanoarray cathodes

J. Mater. Chem. A
Applied Physics
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Charge Transfer Boosting Moisture Resistance of Seminude Perovskite Nanocrystals via Hierarchical Alumina Modulation

J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Functional imaging of sound hypersensitivity

Hearing Research
Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Cooperative deformation in high-entropy alloys at ultralow temperatures

Science Advances
Applied Physics
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Observation of the Kondo screening cloud

Quantum Materials
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Achieving Ultrahigh‐Rate and High‐Safety Li+ Storage Based on Interconnected Tunnel Structure in Micro‐Size Niobium Tungsten Oxides

Advanced Materials
Applied Physics
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Detection of Hole Pockets in the Candidate Type-II Weyl Semimetal MoTe2 from Shubnikov–de Haas Quantum Oscillations

Physical Review Letters
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Ultralow thermal conductivity from transverse acoustic phonon suppression in distorted crystalline α-MgAgSb

Nature Communications
Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Identifying knot types of polymer conformations by machine learning

Physical Review E
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Opposite effects of high-valent cations on the elasticities of DNA and RNA duplexes revealed by magnetic tweezers

Physical Review Letters
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Ultralow-strain Zn-substituted Layered Oxide Cathode with Suppressed P2-O2 Transition for Stable Sodium Ion Storage

Advanced Functional Materials
Applied Physics
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Boosting fast energy storage by synergistic engineering of carbon and deficiency

Nature Communications
Applied Physics
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Facet-dependent active sites of a single Cu2O particle photocatalyst for CO2 reduction to methanol

Nature Energy
Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Aqueous Li-ion battery enabled by halogen conversion–intercalation chemistry in graphite

Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Observation of Many-Body Localization in a One-Dimensional System with a Single-Particle Mobility Edge

Physical Review Letters
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Integrating temporal and spatial control of electronic transitions for bright multiphoton upconversion

Nature Communications
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Early Stage Alterations in White Matter and Decreased Functional Interhemispheric Hippocampal Connectivity in the 3xTg Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

Front. Aging Neurosci.
Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Laser cavity-soliton microcombs

Nature Photonics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Nitrogen-Doped Sponge Ni Fibers as Highly Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction

Nano-Micro Letters
Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Arbitrary order exceptional point induced by photonic spin–orbit interaction in coupled resonators

Nature Communications
Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Multiscale Graphene‐Based Materials for Applications in Sodium Ion Batteries

Advanced Energy Materials
Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Stoichiometry Controlled Bipolar Conductivity in Nanocrystalline NixCd1−xO1+δ Thin Films

Physical Review Applied
Applied Physics
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Advanced adaptive photonic RF filters with 80 taps based on an integrated optical micro-comb source

Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(4), 1288-1295 (2019)
Applied Physics
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High-dimensional one-way quantum processing implemented on d-level cluster states

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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A monoclinic polymorph of sodium birnessite for ultrafast and ultrastable sodium ion storage

Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Modifying High-Voltage Olivine-Type LiMnPO4 Cathode via Mg Substitution in High-Orientation Crystal

Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Defect-engineered MnO2 enhancing oxygen reduction reaction for high performance Al-air batteries

Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Microscopic origin of the logarithmic relaxation in molecular glass-forming liquids

Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Empowering multicomponent cathode materials for sodium ion batteries by exploring three-dimensional compositional heterogeneities

Spectroscopy and Imaging
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An antibacterial platform based on capacitive carbon-doped TiO2 nanotubes after direct or alternating current charging

Applied Physics
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Spin-redirection Phase of Sound Wave Demonstrated for the First Time

Theoretical and Computational Physics
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Investigation of Supercurrent in the Quantum Hall Regime in Graphene Josephson Junctions

Quantum Materials
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Room Temperature Synthesized High Mobility Transparent Amorphous CdO-Ga2O3 Alloys with Widely Tunable Electronic Bands

Applied Physics
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Magic angle for barrier-controlled double quantum dots

Quantum Materials
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Room-Temperature Red–Green–Blue Whispering-Gallery Mode Lasing and White-Light Emission from Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, I) Microstructures

Applied Physics
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Breakthrough Technologies for Cancer Treatment and Energy Saving Developed by Prof Paul Chu

Applied Physics
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The multi-level impact of chronic intermittent hypoxia on central auditory processing

Soft Matter and Biophysics
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Randomized Benchmarking of Barrier versus Tilt Control of a Singlet-Triplet Qubit

Theoretical and Computational Physics
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40-year Mystery Solved by Scientist Group Led by Prof Xun-li Wang

Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Highly mismatched GaN1−xSbx alloys: synthesis, structure and electronic properties

Applied Physics
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Surface Coordination of Black Phosphorus for Robust Air and Water Stability

Applied Physics
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China's first pulsed neutron source

Spectroscopy and Imaging
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Pursuing high-efficiency photovoltaics with novel alloys

Applied Physics
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Generation of multi photon entangled quantum states by means of integrated frequency comb

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Multicolor Electroluminescence from Intermediate Band Solar Cell Structures

Applied Physics
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Cross-polarized photon-pair generation and bi-chromatically pumped optical parametric oscillation on a chip

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
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Dynamic crystallography reveals early signaling events in ultraviolet photoreceptor UVR8

Theoretical and Computational Physics
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