
June 2024

by Cindy Man

voicebot on JUPAS Information Day
In support of CityU’s culture of innovation, Central IT has introduced various Generative AI technology platforms to support the university’s events and departmental inquiry services. Recently, we worked with the Admission Office (ADMO) to deploy an AI Voicebot assistant during the JUPAS ...

by Sunny Wong

win11 upgrade
In October 2023, there was an important IT news update regarding the upcoming end of support for Windows 10. We now have only 16 months remaining before the deadline to migrate from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Our records indicate that a significant number, approximately 2,000 computers on campus, are ...

February 2024

by Ian Or

printers in yeung building
With the feedback received from a student survey that many students wanted more convenient printing facilities in the YEUNG Academic Building, two student fast printers were installed on the 4th floor of the YEUNG Academic Building in February 2024. The newly installed printers are located near the ...