
by Tony Chan

Newly released in January this year, Microsoft Office 2013 is the latest version of the Microsoft Office productivity suite designed to make creating, editing, reading and sharing documents easier and quicker. It is a cloud-based product that is closely integrated with SkyDrive, a free cloud storage ...

by Eric Shai

The CityUWiki was first introduced in June 2008. It is a document management and collaboration platform based on Microsoft SharePoint 2010. The usage of CityUWiki grew from 10 sites initially to over 100 sites as of today. It supports various departments, committees and project teams for closed ...

by Mirror Fung

CityU’s CIO has received the Computerworld Premier 100 IT Leaders award for initiating innovative development in information technology at the University.


/* The following article is extracted from the "Information Security Newsletter" published by the JUCC IS Task Force. */ Virtual machines are the containers in which guest operating systems and their applications run. In best practise, all virtual machines are isolated from one another. Virtual ...


/* The following article is extracted from the "Information Security Newsletter" published by the JUCC IS Task Force. */ The virtual networking layer consists of the virtual network devices through which virtual machines and the Service Console interface with the rest of the network. VM Server such ...


/* The following article is extracted from the "Information Security Newsletter" published by the JUCC IS Task Force. */ All configuration tasks for the VM Server are performed through the Service Console, including configuring storage, controlling aspects of virtual machine behaviour, and setting ...


/* The following article is extracted from the "Information Security Newsletter" published by the JUCC IS Task Force. */ A virtualisation infrastructure represents an additional architectural layer which can suffer from security vulnerabilities and be the target of attacks. Generally, attacks can be ...

by Manfred Chan

To exploit the cloud computing technologies, CityU has decided to adopt the Microsoft Office 365 (Office 365 hereafter) for Education. Office 365 is the cloud computing solution offered by the Microsoft for academic institutions. As an initial step, the Computing Services Centre (CSC) will replace ...

by Helium Hung

The CityU Search was powered by the public Google Search (a service hosted by Google) since 2005. After Google announced the availability of their enterprise solution for Asia-Pacific region in late 2009, the Google Search was replaced by the Google Search Appliance (a CityU locally hosted service) ...


/* The following article is extracted from the "Information Security Newsletter" published by the JUCC IS Task Force. */ In view of a numerous benefits of virtualisation, virtualisation technology has recently gained popularity in the marketplace. According to Gartner, percentage of workloads ...