To better utilise university resources, the University management has decided to set up a centralised HPC cluster under the management of the Computing Services Centre (CSC). The centralised HPC is available for all departments, supporting computational needs arising from teaching and research initiatives.
Along the line of this direction, some HPC facilities previously acquired by departments (with around 1,600 CPU cores, 12 double-precision and 8 single-precision GPU cards) are now managed by the CSC. On top of this, new HPC facilities are also in place with 16,000+ cores (600+ teraflops) of computational resources and 70+ GPU cards (1,100+ teraflops). These computational resources built a solid foundation for our researchers to conduct highly demanded and sophisticated research to achieve scientific breakthroughs that benefit the society and individuals.
Interested parties may contact the CSC at to indicate their needs and provide the list of desired applications. The CSC will help evaluate if the applications can be run on the HPC environment.