Contact Update

By updating your personal information, you not only stay tuned with the latest happenings of the University, but also learn activities, services and benefits. In addition, you can also enjoy the privilege of remote access to selected library electronic resources offered by the CityUHK Library FREE of CHARGE for 12 months. More details can be found at HERE

Let's build up our strong alumni network!

Update personal information at AIMS

FAQ for AIMS account

Q1: What is AIMS? How can I log in to it?
A1: AIMS stands for Administrative Information Management System at CityUHK. Alumni can access AIMS to update personal data, apply for transcript/alumni library card. If you do not have an AIMS account, please click here to activate it.
Q2: How can I reset my AIMS password?
A2: You can reset password here. Your new password will be activated within 10 minutes. If you forget the required information (e.g. student number or contact phone), plesae email us at with your full name, programme/graduation year and HKID first 3 digits.

Reset AIMS password procedure