Professor Alexander LOKE’s interview was quoted by the NPR podcast programme

John Ruwitch, a correspondent with NPR’s international desk, recently interviewed Professor Alexander LOKE to understand the legal ramifications of the winding-up order for China Evergrande Group issued by the Hong Kong High Court on 29 January 2024. The interview formed the framework for the podcast entitled “What’s really happening with the Evergrande liquidation”, a programme produced under The indicator from Planet Money. Segments of the interview can be found in the podcast.

Abstract of the programme (Source: The Indicator from Planet Money - What’s really happening with the Evergrande liquidation): “China is in the economic doldrums in part due to its slumping real estate market. Evergrande is drowning in about $300 billion of debt. After months of attempting to restructure, one of its entities is now being forced to liquidate. In this podcast programme, we will look at what that means and how the Chinese economy will be affected.”

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近日,美國全國公共廣播電台(NPR)國際台記者John Ruwitch採訪了陸飛鴻教授,以了解香港高等法院於 2024 1 29 日頒布的中國恒大集團清盤令的法律後果。該採訪被《The indicator from Planet Money》製作的播客引用作為節目框架,採訪片段可以在播客中找到。

節目摘要(來源:The Indicator from Planet Money - What's really happening with the Evergrande liquidation):中國經濟因房地產市場下滑而陷入低迷。中國恒大集團深陷約 3000 億美元的債務之中,經過數月的重組嘗試後,恒大旗下的一實業被迫清盤。在是次的播客節目中,我們將探討恒大清盤如何影響中國經濟。

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