CityU School of Law Held Online Admission Talk for Postgraduate Programmes 2024 Entry

To help prospective applicants learn more about our School and receive the latest information about entrance requirements of our postgraduate programmes, CityU School of Law held an admission talk via GTER (寄託天下) on 11 January 2024. The talk was attended by Professor DING Chunyan (Associate Dean), Professor HE Tianxiang (Master of Laws Programme Director), Professor Daniel PASCOE (Juris Doctor Programme Director) and Professor Christopher TO Wing (Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Programme Director), and it attracted over 1,100 participants.

Professor DING started the talk by introducing the CityU School of Law. Then, Professor HE, Professor PASCOE and Professor TO introduced the Master of Laws, Juris Doctor, and Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution programmes respectively in detail regarding aspects of the curricula, scholarships, admission requirements, etc.

Five students and alumni were also invited to join the talk to share their study experiences.

The talk was rounded off by a Q&A session. Participants enthusiastically joined the discussion by posting questions to presenters who answered them in real time. Questions covered scholarships, English language requirements, different streams of the programme, etc.

To review the content of the admission talk, please visit:

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香港城市大學(城大)法律學院於 20241 11 日在寄託天下(GTER)通過線上直播方式舉行了研究生課程招生宣講會,幫助有志報讀城大法律學院的學子詳細瞭解學院的教學特色以及本年度的研究生招生要求。是次宣講會邀請了法律學院副院長丁春艷教授、法學碩士課程主任何天翔教授、法律博士課程主任Daniel PASCOE教授以及法學碩士(仲裁及爭議解決學)課程主任陶榮教授主講,並吸引了超過1,100人參與。

丁春艷教授在會上首先介紹了城大法律學院。隨後,何天翔教授、Daniel PASCOE教授以及陶榮教授分別就法律學院的法學碩士、法律博士及法學碩士(仲裁及爭議解決學)專業的課程設置、獎學金計畫、入學要求等作詳細介紹。


