CityU School of Law Commencement for Graduating Class of 2021

by Vivian Tsoi

CityU School of Law held its Commencement at Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building on 30 May 2021 (Sunday), celebrating the accomplishments of the graduating class of 2021. Most of our graduates attended in person while some attended virtually.

More than 250 participants including faculty members and graduates attended the ceremony. Prof TAN Cheng-Han, SC, Dean of CityU School of Law, presided at the ceremony. Prof Tan and our graduate representatives Mr TSANG Cheuk Lok and Mr HU Taige each gave an address for our graduates. Prof Alexander LOKE, Professor of CityU School of Law, was awarded the University’s Teaching Excellence Award at the ceremony.

Prof TAN Cheng-Han, SC, Dean of CityU School of Law, first gave an address to our graduates. He congratulated all of them warmly on their wonderful achievement. He also congratulated their parents, “I know that seeing your children in their robes today brings you immense joy and pride”. He then shared five pieces of advice with our graduates. First, learning does not end at university. Second, honesty, humility and integrity should always guide what you do. Third, be adaptable because things will change and this is also the reason why learning should continue beyond university. Fourth, you will make mistakes and there are times you will feel discouraged. In such times, finding the core of strength within yourself and picking yourself up are important. Finally, there is no substitute for hard work. He concluded by wishing all of the graduates much happiness and fulfilment in the years ahead.

CityU School of Law was honoured to have Prof Alexander LOKE as one of the two recipients of the University’s Teaching Excellence Award for 202021 academic year. Prof LIN Feng, Associate Dean of CityU School of Law, gave a brief introduction of Prof Loke: “He places students at the centre of the knowledge building process by making them take ownership of their learning. In tutorials, each student is given the opportunity of leading the class. Mistakes and errors are seen not as causes for embarrassment, but learning opportunities. A student should leave each class feeling that he/she has learnt something more – and enjoying the process.”

Mr TSANG Cheuk Lok, the JD graduate representative, said, “the JD programme is a crucible of fire. And to many of us the journey to the end has been riddled with myriad hardships, made only more difficult by the trying circumstances that we find ourselves in. The social incidents. The pandemic. They have all taken a toll. We could not have dealt with such challenges on our own, which is why I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the faculty members, the administrative staff, and most importantly, our parents and our loved ones, for their unwavering support throughout our journey.” Finally, he shared that his time at CityU had also brought clarity to his convictions: “I want to help families that face domestic violence but lack the necessary information to access legal aid, or for some reason just fall through the cracks of the legal aid system.”

Mr HU Taige, the LLB graduate representative, shared what they learnt in the past four years. He also represented all graduates to thank their families for their endless support and the professors for their wisdom and passion. “You have motivated us to think beyond the black-letter law and to question how the law can be changed for the better. You have taught us the importance of common sense in legal reasoning, that the law is always connected with the society.” He finally reminded us that “law is not an end in itself: it is simply a means to achieve the public good.” Legal professionals will have an impact on the society and the lives of many. He added “law is never neutral. It constantly evolves and grows, and it is for us, as lawyers, academicians, and judges to guide it towards the better for our community.”

The ceremony marks the beginning of a new journey for the graduates. CityU School of Law is confident that the graduates have what it takes to succeed and wishes them every success in the next chapter of their lives. CityU School of Law also looks forward to keeping in touch and knowing from time to time how they are doing.

The speeches of the graduate representatives in full version are available as follows:

Mr TSANG Cheuk Lok
Mr HU Taige

Chinese Title
法律學院 2021 年畢業典禮
News Date
Chinese Body

香港城市大學(城大)法律學院於 2021 年 5 月 30 日 (星期日) 在劉鳴煒學術樓黃翔羅許月伉儷講堂舉行畢業典禮, 慶祝 2021 年畢業生圓滿完成學業。大部份畢業生均親身出席參加,唯部分畢業生在線上參與。


法律學院院長陳清漢教授先向畢業生致辭。他 對畢業生取得優異成績表示熱烈祝賀。 他還祝賀他們的父母:「我知道你們今天看到孩子穿 著畢業袍為你帶來喜悅和自豪。」然後他與畢業生分享了以下五個建議:首先,大學不是學習的終點,應該抱持終身學習的態度。其次, 誠實、謙遜和正直能永遠指導你向前。 第三, 學會隨機應變,因為事情往往會發生變化,這 也是大學以後應該繼續學習的原因。 第四,接受並面對自己犯錯,有時你會感到氣餒。在這時,找到自己內在的力量核心並振作起來是非常重要的。最後,努力工作是無可替代的。最後,他祝願所有畢業生在未來的歲月裡幸福快樂。

法律學院對於陸飛鴻教授能成為城大 2020- 21 學年傑出教學獎的兩位得獎者之一感到榮幸。 法律學院副院長林峰教授簡要介紹陸教授:「他把學生視為知識構建過程的中心點,鼓勵他們自主掌握其學習過程。 在導修課上,每位學生均有機會帶領課堂討論。他認為錯誤或紕漏的分析給大家提供更多的學習機會,同學不該為此感到尷尬。這套教學方法的目的在於使學生在課堂上能夠獲取知識,並享受學習的過程。」

法律博士畢業生代表曾卓樂說:「回首一望,修畢 法律博士課程(JD)有如披荊斬棘,困難重重。期間又遇上了社會事件和新型冠狀病毒,為各學員增添不少煩惱。各畢業生得以順利完成課程, 有賴各位家長的支持,老師的教導,以及城大法律學院職員的協助。為此我謹代表畢業生向各位致謝。」他最後跟大家分享他在城大的日子亦使他更明暸自己的志向。「我深知社會上有不少遭遇家庭暴力困擾的家庭需要法律的援助。這些家庭不諳本地的法律 程序,又可能因種種緣故未能使用法援服務。我常常都想為這些家庭做點事, 盡點綿力。希望能向 受家庭暴力困擾的人提供一些重要的法律資訊。」

法律學學士畢業生代表胡泰閣分享他們在過去四年中所學到的。 他還代表全體畢業生感謝家人的無私支持,感謝教授們的智慧和教學熱忱。「你激勵了我們不要把目光停留在法律條文上,而是要超越它,進一步思考如何可以讓法律更加完善。是你教會了我們常識的重要性,告誡我們法律和社會是緊密相連的。」他最後提醒各畢業生「法律從來不是目的本身,它是我們促進公共利益的手 段。」作為法律界的一份子,我們的一舉一 動都會對社會和個體產生影響。「法律從來不是中立的,它不斷在變化和發展,作為律師、學者和法官有責任引導它朝著更好的方向發展。」

畢業典禮過後意味著畢業生要展開新旅程。法律學院相信畢業生擁有成功所需的一切,並祝願他們在邁向人生新的一頁時一切順利並取得成功。學院還期待與他們保持緊密聯繫並 不時了解他們的生活及工作情況。

