13th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence

by Academy of International Strategy and Law of Zhejiang University

On December 9, 2022, the Academy of International Strategy and Law of Zhejiang University, in partnership with Yale Law School, Guanghua Law School of Zhejiang University, and Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law and Law School of City University of Hong Kong, organized the 13th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence. The conference was held online and offline at the same time, invited scholars and experts from mainland China and Hong Kong, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Italy, India, Australia, and other countries to start in-depth exchanges and discussions in contemporary international law frontier and related hot issues.

Prof. Wang Guiguo (President of the Academy of International Strategy and Law of Zhejiang University; Unviersity Professor of Law at Zhejiang University) gave the opening remarks and Prof. W. Michael Reisman (Myres S. McDougal Professor of International Law of Yale Law School) delivered the keynote address. Professor Wang Guiguo greeted all presenters and moderators and fondly recalled the deep friendship he established with his mentor, Professor Reisman, one of the important founders of the New Haven School, during his study at Yale University. It is not only a legal theory that directs the development of international society but also contributes to the social progress of foreign countries. Professor Wang Guiguo further pointed out that an adequate theory should not purely be based on historical experience but also apply to the present and provide guidance for the future. Since its inception, the New Haven School of Jurisprudence has gained widespread support and attention from the international community and is directly related to the values advocated by traditional Chinese culture, including human dignity and the rule of law.

Professor Reisman also expressed his greetings to the attendees and said that all international lawyers face the difficulty of choosing between the conflicting values and interests of the international and national communities. Professor Reisman cited the dilemma between ethical judgment and national allegiance faced by former British Attorney General Shawcross in the Lotus case as an example of the importance of this issue in today's uncertain world of international jus cogens. Professor Reisman highlighted that domestic norms may differ from the requirements of international law, such as human rights, which requires international lawyers and international law scholars to uphold the notion of justice, adhere to the principles of international law, and contribute to the development of humanity.

Following that, four discussion panels were held.

The first panel was moderated by Professor Fujio Kawashima (Professor, Kobe University School of Law, Japan). Professor Zhang Naigen of Fudan University Law School delivered a presentation entitled "The Relationship between International Law and Ideology in the Changing World", arguing the international community is facing many challenges brought about by the changing world, including the development of traditional international law from Europe to the world with the ideology of the so-called civilized nations, and especially the new Cold War mentality in today's international law theory. The new Cold War paradigm of international jurisprudence, in particular, should be removed and developed in a more inclusive direction following the United Nations Charter. Associate Professor Matthew Erie of the Institute of Modern China Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, gave a presentation entitled " Legal Systems Inside Out: American Legal Exceptionalism and China’s Dream of Legal Cosmopolitanism," arguing the United States and China have taken different approaches to the relationship between international and domestic law and that it is worthwhile to consider which is better or worse. The lecture is worthy of attention. Professor Tomas Fitzgerald from the School of Law, Curtin University, Australia, delivered a lecture entitled "Regulating Artificial Intelligence: A New Haven Approach to Solving Problems in theory and Practice", which was based on the theory of the New Haven School and discussed outer space law, artificial intelligence law, artificial intelligence, and culture. Dr. Ying Zhu, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong, gave a lecture entitled " A Bottom-up Dilemma: International Investment Law and Environmental Governance ", arguing that international investment law has possessed a"chilling effect" on the environmental regulation of foreign countries. He advocated a bottom-up approach to environmental governance and made suggestions for future arbitration and treaty-making in environmental governance.

The second panel was moderated by Professor Wang Jiangyu from the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. Professor Gu Minkang, President of the School of Credit Risk Management of Xiangtan University, gave a speech entitled " The Spirit of International Relations: Keep Good Faith and Pursuing Harmony", arguing that"speaking of faith and cultivating harmony" has been recorded as early as in the Book of Rites. He also pointed out that the pursuit of peace and harmony is a major trend in world development. Professor Liu Jingdong, Director of the Institute of International Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, delivered a speech entitled "Singapore Convention on Mediation and China's Commercial Conciliation Legislation," arguing that while the Convention is helpful to commercial mediation, it also poses challenges. Professor Liu believes China will eventually ratify the Convention and develop an independent commercial mediation law to implement the Convention. Professor Swaran Singh Jaswal of Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, gave a speech entitled "Human Dignity and Peace", pointing out that the Indian Constitution has made great contributions to human dignity and peace, such as providing for affirmative action, the right to information, the right to education, etc. Professor Shen Wei from Shanghai Jiaotong University Kaiyuan Law School delivered a lecture entitled "RMB and the Global Financial (Monetary) System", explaining the causes of U.S. financial hegemony, from the Bretton Woods system, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to monetary imperialism, pointing out that the U.S. dollar has a "first mover advantage". He pointed out that the U.S. dollar retains a "first-mover advantage"; the development opportunities of RMB are in the Asia-Pacific region; the establishment of an "RMB zone" is an effort to de-dollarize the U.S. dollar, which remains a long way to go; and raised three issues that remain to be solved. Professor He Zhipeng, Dean of the School of Law of Jilin University, delivered a lecture entitled "International Justice: A Historical Evolution of a Terminology", explaining the changes in the concept of"justice" from the dimension of time and space and proposing a relative understanding of"justice."

The third panel was assembled by Zhejiang University Guanghua University and chaired by Professor Zhao Jun, Vice Dean of Guanghua Law School of Zhejiang University. Professor Nohyoung Park from the School of Law, Seoul University, Korea, delivered a lecture entitled "International Digital Trade Rulemaking: An Observation", which explored the impact of international agreements such as RCEP, USMCA, KSDPA, and DEPA on cross-border data flows. Professor Shi Jingxia from the School of Law of the Renmin University of China gave a speech entitled "The Possible Future of the WTO Appellate Mechanism", suggesting that China remains a staunch supporter of multilateralism and two-tier dispute resolution procedures and that the WTO's appeal and arbitration procedures may also exist for a long time. Professor Hong Yanqing from the School of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology delivered a speech entitled "Data and the Relationship between Geo-Economics and Geopolitics", arguing that data power can be used in economic, political, and military aspects, and that digitalization has altered the mode of government governance, and substantial data can help governments plan for education, healthcare, public transportation, and other areas. Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Senior Lecturer at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, presented on "Is it time to define substantive standards of obligation in ISDS? He argued that the use of ADR in the ISDS is necessary and that there is an urgent need to establish consistent and predictable FET standards. Professor Nartnirun Junngam, National University of Political Science and Law, Thailand, presented "Thailand’s Debut in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Legal Implications of the Walter Bau Case for Participants in International Investment Law", sharing his academic views on the importance of treaty-making and subsequent practice in treaty interpretation, and arguing that he shared his views on the importance of treaty-making and subsequent practice in treaty interpretation, and argued the understanding of international law by arbitral tribunals is crucial to the credibility of investment treaty arbitration.

Last but not the least, the fourth panel was chaired by Professor Cheng Le, Executive Vice President of the Academy of International Strategy and Law, Zhejiang University, and Guanghua Law School. Professor Tomoko Ishikawa of the Graduate School of International Development of Nagoya University, Japan, delivered a speech entitled "Third Party Participation in Investor-state Mediation", pointing out that the imbalance of power and resources between the two parties in investment mediation has become an obstacle to the resolution of investment disputes, and that the participation of a third party in investment mediation can help resolve this problem. Professor Stefano Porcelli from the University of Brescia Law School, Italy, presented a lecture entitled "Ars Boni et aequi" for a Dynamic Approach to Law in a Fast-Changing World", emphasizing the importance of using a critical research approach from both commercial and civil law perspectives. He emphasized the importance of using critical research methods from a commercial and civil law perspective. Professor Alberto De Franceschi, Faculty of Law, University of Ferrara, Italy, gave a presentation on " The EU Digital Markets Act: Ensuring Fairness and Transparency in Online Markets," discussing specific measures taken by the EU to ensure fair and secure digital markets. Professor Chen Lei from the School of Law, Durham University, United Kingdom, gave a speech entitled " Some Reflections on the Doctrine of Change of Circumstances in the Chinese Civil Code", discussing that although the DCC rules set out in the Civil Code do not provide the Chinese courts unfettered power to exclude contractual liability, but they do give the courts discretion to interpret certain provisions to ameliorate unfairness caused by changing circumstances. Professor Geraint Howells, School of Law, University of Manchester, delivered a speech entitled "Consumer Protection in Asia", pointing out that Asian consumers face unjust treatment and that the non-confrontational cultural traditions of Asian consumers have contributed to the rapid growth of mediation claims.

While the eighteen presentations delivered during the four panels were informative and thought-provoking, the group discussion following each panel's presentations was equally impressive: critical and inspirational comments were delivered on the speakers' presentations and acute questions were posed for the speakers' responses, and further discussion among all participants.

Finally, Professor Wang Guiguo, Professor Wang Jiangyu, and Professor Zhao Jun delivered concluding statements, thanking all the attendees for their time and contributions, as well as the speakers' excellent presentations and valuable contributions. Professor Wang Guiguo first expressed his gratitude to the participants from all walks of life, both online and offline, and considered the speakers' views inspiring and a successful international conference. Prof. Wang Jiangyu expressed his gratitude to the organizers and the scholars for their speeches, each of which was very enlightening and beneficial, especially in deepening his understanding of policy-oriented research methods in international relations. Prof. Zhao Jun believes that the International Conference on New Haven chool and International Law provided a platform for scholars to communicate their academic views and generated many insights, which promoted the dialogue between international relations and international law, as well as the interaction between practice and theory. Finally, Professor Wang Guiguo concluded the New Haven School of Law is a very comprehensive and systematic school of law, encompassing not only research methods but also the values, goals, and directions of human society, and is reasonably consistent with the values advocated by traditional Chinese culture. Professor Wang Guiguo believes the participants of the International Conference on New Haven Schools of Law and International Law have exchanged many valuable academic perspectives.

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開幕式環節由浙江大學文科資深教授、浙江大學國際戰略與法律研究院院長王貴國教授致歡迎辭,耶魯大學法學院McDougal講席教授W. Michael Reisman發表主旨演講。王貴國教授首先對與會嘉賓表達了誠摯問候,歡迎大家參加第十三屆紐黑文學派國際學術會議,並深情回憶了在耶魯大學學習期間與導師——紐黑文法學派重要開創者之一的Reisman教授建立的深厚情誼,指出紐黑文法學派揭示了人類社會決策和決定的過程、執行與不執行的判斷標準、人類共同價值等,故其不僅是指導國際社會發展的法學理論,而且對列國的社會進步頗有助益。王貴國教授進一步指出,一個好的理論不但應基於歷史的經驗,適用於當下,也能為未來提供指導。紐黑文法學派從創立到現在已獲得國際社會的廣泛支持與重視,與中華傳統文化主張的價值亦密切相關,包括人類尊嚴、法治等。

Reisman教授也向與會人員表達了親切的問候,同時表示所有國際律師都面臨如何在國際社會和國家社會的價值和利益衝突中做出選擇的困難。 Reisman教授以荷花案中英國前檢察總長Shawcross面對的專業判斷和國家效忠間的困境為例,認為在當今世界國際強行法並不確定的情況下,此問題更為重要。 Reisman教授特別提到國內規範與國際法的要求可能不同,如人權方面,這就更要求國際律師和國際法學者要秉持正義的理念,堅持國際法的原則,為人類的發展做出貢獻。

 會議第一單元由主持人日本神戶大學Fujio Kawashima教授主持。復旦大學法學院張乃根教授發表了題為“變化世界中國際法與意識形態的關係”的演講,認為國際社會面臨變化世界帶來的諸多挑戰,包括傳統國際法從歐洲發展到世界有著所謂文明國家的意識形態,尤其是當今的國際法理論有著新冷戰思維模式,應予以去除,並根據《聯合國憲章》朝著更加包容的方向發展。英國牛津大學現代中國研究院Matthew Erie副教授發表了題為“法律制度的表面與實際:美國的法律例外主義和法律世界主義的中國夢”的演講,認為美國和中國在處理國際法與內國法的關係方面採取了不同的做法,孰勝孰劣值得關注。澳大利亞科廷大學法學院Tomas Fitzgerald教授發表了題為“人工智能監管:解決理論和實踐問題的紐黑文方法”的演講,以紐黑文學派的理論為基礎,分別就外層空間法、人工智能法、人工智能與文化等方面展開論述,認為技術開發與公共政策的製定存在相通之處。香港大學法學院助理教授朱穎博士發表了題為“自下而上的窘境:國際投資法與環境治理”的演講,認為國際投資法對列國的環境監管產生了 “寒蟬效應”,主張以自下而上的模式治理環境,並對未來環境治理的仲裁和條約制定等提出建議。

會議第二單元由香港城市大學法學院王江雨教授主持。湘潭大學信用風險管理學院院長顧敏康教授發表了題為“國際關係的精神:講信修睦”的演講,認為“講信修睦”早在《禮記》中就有所記載,不僅是中國先秦時期設想的大同社會的主要特徵,還是調整人與人、國家與國家間關係的共同準則,並指出追求和平與和諧是世界發展大勢。中國社會科學院國際法研究所所長劉敬東教授發表了題為“新加坡調解公約與中國商事調解立法”的演講,認為儘管《公約》有助於商事調解,但同時也提出了挑戰。劉教授認為中國終將批准《公約》並製定獨立的商事調解法,以執行《公約》。印度賈瓦哈拉爾尼赫魯大學Swaran Singh Jaswal教授發表了題為“人類尊嚴與和平”的演講,指出印度憲法對人類尊嚴與和平做出了巨大貢獻,例如規定了平權行動、知情權、教育權等。上海交通大學凱原法學院沈偉教授發表了題為“人民幣與全球金融(貨幣)體系”的演講,解釋了美國金融霸權的成因,從布雷頓森林體系、國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行再到貨幣帝國主義,指出美元具有“先發優勢”;人民幣的發展機遇在亞太地區,建立“人民幣區”是一種去美元化的努力,任重而道遠,並提出了三個尚待解決的問題。吉林大學法學院院長何志鵬教授發表了題為“國際正義:一個術語的歷史演變”的演講,從時間維度和空間闡釋了“正義”概念的變化,提出了對“正義”的相對理解。

會議第三單元由浙江大學光華法學院副院長趙駿教授主持。韓國首爾大學法學院Nohyoung Park教授發表了題為“國際數字貿易規則制定:一個觀察”的演講,探討了RCEPUSMCAKSDPADEPA等國際協定對數據跨境流動的影響。中國人民大學法學院石靜霞教授發表了題為“WTO上訴機制的可能未來”的演講,提出中國是多邊主義和爭端解決兩級程序的堅定支持者,認為世貿組織的上訴仲裁程序也許會長期存在。北京理工大學法學院洪延青教授發表了題為“數據與地緣經濟和地緣政治的關係”的演講,認為數據權力可以在經濟、政治和軍事方面得到運用,數字化改變了政府治理模式,大數據可以幫助政府規劃教育、醫療、公共交通等領域。澳大利亞墨爾本皇家理工大學高級講師Rajesh Sharma博士發表了題為“現在是在ISDS中確定實質性義務標準的時機嗎?”的演講,認為在ISDS中使用ADR是有必要的,亟須建立具有一致性和可預測性的FET標準。泰國國立政法大學Nartnirun Junngam教授發表了題為“泰國在投資條約仲裁中的首次亮相:Walter Bau案對國際投資法參與者的法律影響”的演講,分享了條約制定、嗣後慣例對條約解釋的重要性等學術觀點,認為仲裁庭對國際法的理解對於投資條約仲裁的可信度至關重要。

會議第四單元由浙江大學國際戰略與法律研究院副院長、光華法學院程樂教授主持。日本名古屋大學國際發展研究生院Tomoko Ishikawa教授發表了題為“第三方參與投資者:國家調解”的演講,指出當下投資調解雙方的權力和資源的不平衡成為解決投資爭議的障礙,認為由第三方參與投資調解有助於此問題的解決。意大利布雷西亞大學法學院Stefano Porcelli教授發表了題為“‘勝利者’在快速變化世界中對法律採取的動態方法”的演講,從商法和民法角度強調了使用批判性研究方法的重要性。意大利費拉拉大學法學院Alberto De Franceschi教授發表了題為“歐盟數字市場法:確保在線市場的公平性和透明性”的演講,討論了歐盟為確保公平和安全的數字市場而採取的具體措施。英國杜倫大學法學院陳磊教授發表了題為“中國民法典中情勢變遷理論的反思”的演講,認為儘管《民法典》中規定的DCC規則並沒有賦予中國法院不受約束的權力來免除合同責任,但賦予了法院解釋某些條款的裁量權,以改善情勢變遷所造成的不公平。英國曼徹斯特大學法學院Geraint Howells教授發表了題為“亞洲的消費者保護”的演講,指出亞洲消費者面臨著不平等待遇,認為亞洲消費者非對抗性的文化傳統促進了調解訴求的快速增長。



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