
June 2005

by Noel Laam

The entire CityU community is reminded once again of the University's commitment to the protection of intellectual property and copyrighted material. The Computing Services Centre (CSC), as the administrator of the campus network, will take all necessary actions (e.g., blocking the network ...

March 2005

by Angela Tang

The community of City University is expanding not just in the increasing number of student, alumni and staff, but also diverse relationships with the University such as prospective students/staff, visiting scholars, exchange students, retired staff, etc. Moreover it is common to have multiple roles ...

by Yeung Man, Peter Mok

The Computing Services Centre (CSC) offers a variety of IT services to the students and helps manage a lot other services jointly supported by the cooperative efforts of administrative and/or academic departments. Some of these services include the e-Learning service, the e-Portal service, the Email ...