Malaysian officials gain insights of paperless office at CityU

by Cathy Lau

A delegation comprising 42 officials from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia learned about the Paperless Office Project implemented at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) during a visit on 3 December.

The delegation led by Ms Puteh Aziah, Director of Quality & Innovation Management Division, Corporate Services Department of the Board, was warmly welcomed by Professor Arthur Ellis, Provost of CityU.

Dr Andy Chun Hon-wai, CityU’s Chief Information Officer (CIO), and representatives from the Office of CIO, Enterprise Solutions Office and Human Resources Office introduced the latest development and use of IT in the education sector in Hong Kong and at CityU.

In particular, they shared with the delegation their experience in implementing the Paperless Office Project, which was launched in 2011 as part of a wider “Green IT” plan at CityU aimed at reducing  paper records, power and space consumption while also improving administrative efficiency and information security.

Throughout the presentation, the delegates showed great interest in the practical experience of operating a paperless office and how to tackle the difficulties of executing the strategies.