CityU administrative heads visit university towns in Guangzhou and Shenzhen

by Shuyee Chen

CityU’s Acting Vice-President (Administration) Dr Ellen Ko Yin-lan led a delegation of 16 executives from 11 administrative departments on a visit to higher education institutions and university towns in Guangzhou and Shenzhen from 15 to 16 June. The trip included a visit to the designated site for CityU’s Shenzhen Outpost.

“In light of the increasing interaction between CityU and the Pan-Pearl River Delta plus CityU’s plans for future development in the region, it is necessary for administrators at CityU to get a better picture of the area in order to contribute more to the University,” Dr Ko said.

The main purpose of the trip was to visit Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou University City, University Town of Shenzhen and Shenzhen Virtual University Park.


“Guangzhou University City and University Town of Shenzhen are new phenomenon in recent years,” Dr Ko continued. “They aim to address fast growing demand created by the rapid expansion of student recruitment in many mainland universities. Both institutions emphasize resources-sharing. This is a new idea that will inspire university administrators in Hong Kong. In addition, CityU is going to have three new buildings completed in the next few years, the designs and facilities of the university towns are good references for our CityU colleagues.”

For those colleagues who had yet to visit CityU Shenzhen Research Institute and the three applied research centres in Shenzhen Virtual University Park, the trip highlighted the dynamics of CityU’s development on the mainland.

“In the past we could only learn about CityU’s mainland development through documents and reports,” said Mrs Yu Wan-kam, Acting Head of the Enterprise Solution Office. “But I’ve been able to experience it first hand on this trip.”

She added that she was truly proud of the University’s achievements on the mainland, especially its achievements in applied research.


The delegation was warmly received by Mr Liu Yingli, Deputy Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government. He expressed his strong support for CityU to develop in Shenzhen and suggested that CityU consider deepening its cooperation with Shenzhen.

“Such visits and exchanges certainly help CityU strengthen its link with mainland institutions and universities, providing us with more opportunities for mainland development and cooperation,” said Dr Zhu Guobing, Director of the External Liaison and Cooperation Office.

Other members of the delegation included Mr Gabriel Chan and Ms Maggie Chau from the Finance Office; Mr Arthur Leung and Mr Wong Wai-leung from the Campus Planning Office; Mr Wong Ka-yu and Mr Chan Kong-yau from the Facilities Management Office; Mrs Linda Cheng from the Research Grants Office; Ms Libby Chow from the Internal Audit Office; Ms Mary Rose Chu from the Academic Regulations and Records Office; Ms Beatrice Lee from the Council Secretariat; Ms Angela Wong from the Human Resources Office; Ms Dora Lee from the Office of the Vice-President (Administration); and Ms Jennifer Ho from the External Liaison and Cooperation Office.