20th anniversary website shows collaborative spirit

by Grace Ho


CityU is buzzing with excitement as the activities for the 20th
birthday celebrations begin to unfold. What's the best way to keep abreast of the anniversary celebrations and stay informed of the new developments? Browse the 20th anniversary website: www.cityu.edu.hk/20years and you will find the information you want.


On the front page of the anniversary website, readers will find the latest stories in the left-hand column. Want to know what is coming up and when? Click on “Event Calendar” where you will find information on upcoming events and an archive of past events. Another effective way is to make use of the search engine to look for specific information.


If readers want to look back at the University's achievements over the past 20 years, go to “Milestone” for an interactive timeline to help you grasp CityU's major events. An overview of the significant development of our Faculties/Schools is presented in “Faculty in Focus”. In “Way Ahead” one can learn about the new role and challenges facing the University.


Want to share the good old days with CityU staff and students? Enter “Share A Memory” under “Flash Back” and send in your stories. Sharing our experiences create the CityU community and our sense of belonging.

From design to content to functionalities, this website has been developed by CityU staff, students and alumni. That's why the 20th anniversary website is special. Try out the various features of the site! We hope you'll enjoy them.