Farewell to Academic OpenVMS Servers

by John Chan

Due to the world trend of streamlining the operating systems to Unix-based and to avoid duplication of our limited resources, all academic OpenVMS Alpha or VAX servers will gradually be phased out. These include the Alpha machines Texas and Spain, and the VAX machine Cairo, all of which are part of the Alpha Cluster nodes.>

The first phase will involve discontinuing the VAX machine Cairo, and will be completed before the next academic year starts. The second phase will be over by the end of next academic year and the Alpha machines Texas and Spain will be de-commissioned and no more support will be provided. However, the central machines for the staff e-mail servers, which are also OpenVMS-based, will not be affected. >

Users are then urged to migrate all teaching and research work to the Solaris systems as soon as possible. Most of the software provided on the OpenVMS systems have their counterparts under Solaris. If you have any queries, anticipate any problems, or have difficulties on the migration, please feel free to write to us at cc@plink.cityu.edu.hk.>