How Ready Are We for Y2k?

by Louisa Tang

Much has been said about the y2k awareness and conversion project in June 1998, March and June 1999 issues of the Network Computing. It is time to report the y2k compliance progress in the Computing Services Centre (CSC). We are proud to announce that all the mission critical systems of CSC have reached 100% y2k compliance as at 15th July 1999. The following is a summary of an update in respective areas:

1. Campus Network

All the networking equipment is y2k compliant. In June 1999, the Joint Universities Computer Centres (JUCC) arranged a joint testing to test all networking equipment used for HARNET connections, e-mail and Web services. The result was satisfactory.

2. Centrally Supported PC Software

PC software centrally supported by CSC is y2k compliant. This includes Acrobat Reader, Lotus 1-2-3, MS FrontPage, MS Office 97, Netscape Communicator, Simpterm, Corel WordPerfect, WS-FTP, MS Chinese Office 97, Eudora, KEA, Clipart Library and McAfee Antivirus.

As vendors may update the y2k compliant status of their products from time to time, CSC will continue to try its best to closely monitor any new announcements from vendors and upgrade such products whenever necessary.

3. Central Administrative System

All central administrative systems are y2k compliant. Some user departments have already completed their y2k testing while others have not. In any case, all user testing and subsequent system modifications, if any, will be completed by October this year.

4. System Software of Central Computer Machines

All central system software (e.g. operating systems, system software tools) have been tested y2k compliant. In order to fit the operation schedule of individual departments, system upgrade on some production machines may still be pending. In any case, it is anticipated that system upgrade on all production machines will be implemented by October this year.

For the most up-to-date y2k information, please refer to CSC Web page at

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