Peptide Adventure


The emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in microorganisms is a major global threat to human health. To address this issue, our team established a fish serum peptide database. One of the peptides, namely BING, has excellent antimicrobial properties. It can kill drug-resistant bacteria and suppress their capability to develop further antibiotic resistance. In addition, BING can enhance the power of other antibiotics. It has low toxicity for mammalian cells and is thermally stable. Our next steps will be compound optimisation and animal experiments. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop BING into a life-saving therapeutic drug.



Team members

Mr Kwok Shu-hin* (Alumnus and Research Assistant, Dept. of Chemistry, CityU)
Mr Nip Chun, Calvin (Master candidate, MBA, CityU)
Dr Dong Miao (Master candidate, MBA, CityU)
Ms Spoorthy Pathikonda (PhD candidate, Dept. of Chemistry, CityU)
Advisor: Dr Lam Yun-wah (Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2021)