

Aero-Hydroponic Agriculture IoT System (AHAS) was named, designed and developed by Factgie to plant a variety of crops using a stackable design. It aims to provide an additional source of local food by adopting IoT technology to enhance productivity.

AHAS can grow veggetables, herbs and fruits in the upper deck and crops rich in carbohydrates in lower deck. The system is equipped with various IoT sensors for monitoring,and various actuators to control and adjust the growing environment. To further increase productivity, the system uses machine learning and data analysis to determine the optimal growing environment. With AHAS, more food can be grown in a small area for effective urban farming applications.



Team members

Mr Tang Chun-ki* (Undergrad, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, CityU)
Mr Cheng Yuk-shing (Undergrad, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, CityU)
Mr Wan Chi-hang (Alumnus, Dept. of Marketing, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. Certificate of Merit (Young Member Group), The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Innovation award, 2021
  2. 2nd Runner Up, Innovate For Future, 2020
  3. Second Prize (Life Sciences), The 7th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition