

Visible indoor problems not only affect the living experience of residents, but also potentially result in worry and psychological pressure about housing safety. However, problems like wall cracks, water seepage and peeling are common. Most residents find it inconvenient to deal with these issues, either on their own or by seeking professional help, owing to a lack of relevant knowledge and information.

To enable residents to preliminarily diagnose indoor housing problems, our team has developed an intelligent application, which helps users identify problems, and get an analysis and suggestions for repair just by taking and sending pictures. Applying a deep-learning approach, DoctorDwelling automatically identifies problems through photos and provides feedback to users in terms of 1) urgency ranking; 2) knowledge popularization and repair advice; 3) operation guidance and material purchase guidance, which is applicable when the issues can be handled by the resident themselves; and 4) contacting for technical support.

The application lowers the threshold for dealing with visible indoor housing problems through breaking the knowledge barrier for ordinary people, while also effectively connecting residents, material suppliers and construction parties, facilitating indoor maintenance in an all-round, effective, and convenient manner.



Team members

Miss Zeng Heming* (PhD student, Dept. of Architecture and Civil Engineering, CityU)
Mr Liu Dongwei (PhD student, Dept. of Architecture and Civil Engineering, CityU)
Mr Wong Chung-kwan (Xiamen University)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2022)