

SeeWall is an ecosystem built for visually impaired persons. It is composed mainly of hardware and software. SeeWall will integrate the common everyday functions of mobile phones and make special improvements according to the usage habits of visually impaired users. SeeWall will also focus on the concept of social interaction for visually impaired persons and provide them with more opportunities to interact and meet new friends. As for hardware, SeeWall will combine self-research and cooperation with third parties to develop software services for users, so that visually impaired persons can use other intelligent assistive devices such as smart canes more conveniently.



Team members

Mr Cai Jiayue* (Undergrad, School of Creative Media, CityU)
Miss Mao Yaxuan (Undergrad, School of Creative Media, CityU)
Miss Zhang Yueyang (Undergrad, Computational Finance, CityU)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2021)