
網樂共享研究所是香港城市大學研究團隊 C.A.R.E Lab 下的新項目,旨在校園內推動網樂共享,並為城大的本科生和教職員提供預防網絡欺凌的參考資源。









C.A.R.E Lab (只限英文版本)

Project C.A.R.E 「有教無『戾』-校園欺『零』計畫」

馮麗姝博士硏究貢獻及對社會影響力 (只限英文版本)

15 & 16 June 2022
Abstract submissions and Attendees registration are now being accepted for Cyber-Joy Enjoy Lab – International Conference on Cyber and Face-to-face Aggression and Bullying 2022.
Jointly presented by Cyber Joy Enjoy Lab and Run Run Shaw Library, the Exhibition entitled “Travel to the Cyber Joy World: Think Before You Act” aims to enhance your digital literacy skills and enable you to navigate the cyber world safely and effectively.
18/2 - 10/4/2022
[Vote for your favourite works now!]

To facilitate students' understanding of the different causes of cyber aggression, and encourage them to reflect on how we can spread love and care to others in the cyber world, CityU undergraduate students are invited to join our #Cyber-Joy IG Posts Design Competition!
Jointly presented by the Cyber-Joy Enjoy Lab and the Run Run Shaw Library, the workshop aims to raise awareness of online aggression and equip you with the knowledge and skills to be a considerate and responsible internet user.