Recent Top-tier Publications in HKICE

Prof. Zonglong ZHU's paper on Science
Long-term stability in perovskite solar cells through atomic layer deposition of tin oxide

Science 386,187-192(2024). DOI:10.1126/science.adq8385

Prof. Hua ZHANG's paper on Nature Materials
1T′-transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers stabilized on 4H-Au nanowires for ultrasensitive SERS detection

Nature Materials, 23, 1355–1362 (2024)

Prof. Ruquan YE's paper on Nature Synthesis
A covalent molecular design enabling efficient CO2 reduction in strong acids

Nature Synthesis (2024)

Prof. Tony FENG's paper on Nature
Water- and heat-activated dynamic passivation for perovskite photovoltaics

Nature (2024)

Prof. Xiaocheng ZENG's paper on Science
Probing structural superlubricity of two-dimensional water transport with atomic resolution

Science 384,1254-1259 (2024)

Prof. Feng WANG's paper on Nature Photonics
Multicolour stretchable perovskite electroluminescent devices for user-interactive displays

Nat. Photon. (2024)

Prof. Xue WANG's paper on Nature Sustainability
Efficient CO and acrolein co-production via paired electrolysis

Wang, X., Li, P., Tam, J. et al. Nat Sustain (2024)

Prof. Xinge YUs paper on Nature
A three-dimensional liquid diode for soft, integrated permeable electronics

Zhang, B., Li, J., Zhou, J. et al. Nature (2024)

Prof. Cheng WANG's paper on Nature 
Integrated lithium niobate microwave photonic processing engine

Feng, H., Ge, T., Guo, X. et al. Nature 627, 80–87 (2024)

Prof. Alex JEN's paper on Nature Energy
Redox mediator-stabilized wide-bandgap perovskites for monolithic perovskite-organic tandem solar cells

Wu, S., Yan, Y., Yin, J. et al. Nat Energy (2024)

Prof. Chun Sing LEE's paper on Nature Materials
Deciphering the ultra-high plasticity in metal monochalcogenides

Wong, L.W., Yang, K., Han, W. et al. Nat. Mater. 23, 196–204 (2024)

Highlight Event in HKICE

25 Oct 2024 
HKICE Young Scientist Seminar Series (Oct Session)


20 - 22 November 2024 
Nature Conference on Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials

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