University of Sydney Law School visited CityUHK School of Law

On 6 May 2024, the CityUHK School of Law welcomed the delegation from University of Sydney Law School. 

The delegation comprised of Professor Simon Bronitt, Head of School and Dean, Professor Penny Crossley, Director of Alumni Engagement. Mr. Peter Finneran, Manager of Strategic Partnerships and Engagement of University of Sydney Law School and Professor Stefan Gruber. Professor Lin Feng, Dean of CityUHK School of Law as well as Professor Thomas Crofts, Associate Dean and Professor LI Enshen extended a warm welcome to the delegation.

Discussions covered collaboration agreements, staff exchange agreement, visiting students, research collaborations, etc. The two sides looked forward to continuous comprehensive cooperation between CityUHK School of Law and University of Sydney Law School in the future.

University of Sydney Law School visited CityUHK School of Law

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代表團成員包括學院院長Simon Bronitt教授、校友處處長Penny Crossley教授 悉尼大學法學院策略合作經理Peter Finneran先生Stefan Gruber教授 香港城市大學法學院院長林峰教授、副院長Thomas Crofts教授李恩深教授對代表團一行的到來表示熱烈歡迎。


University of Sydney Law School visited CityUHK School of Law